Joe K.

Best Montage Ever
Has to be the "training" montage in Frost/Nixon.

@Harbinger ofDuh: Yeah, the end of the song dares the guy to go through with it, but before it he's referred to as a "suicidal imbecile" and asked "What's it going to take to get through to you, precious?"

Anti-suicide, in a tough love kind of way
Pearl Jam- "Save You"
A Perfect Circle- "The Outsider"

Misery Porn
An incredibly apt description of Rescue Me's season finales. It's like an addiction they have to feed; they simply have to kill off a character for no discernible reason other than to torture the main character.

Ok, ok. I went a little far in lionizing Green Day, but c'mon. We can all agree that that new Weezer song sucked syphilitic donkey balls, right?

All I want to say is that they don't really care about us
That song was just horrible. Bland, impersonal, subpar bubble-gum. They really seem intent on killing off any semblance of artistic growth and replacing all that was once edgy and good with this pablum for people who have never heard a Weezer album before.

@ the rationalist: So that's how your dad died.

I really hope it's not Damien
The writers have to know that they've wrung every last drop of drama or pathos out of watching the Gavins grieve over and over and over again. If that storyline was a dead horse, it'd be nothing but dust by now.

Hated that last scene
What the hell was that? Having the family cave because of random things drawn from a half-assed monologue was beyond self-parody. This season has had way too much of Tommy as an infallible god, capable of bedding Janet and Sheila simultaneously or convincing his entire family of the virtues of…

damn, beat me to the reference! well done, Ranwed!

It's really cool to see
Eddie Vedder breaking into acting.

Law and Order
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in saying I'd pay to hear Will Arnett do the Law and Order opening.

My propane tank!
My roommate walked in during that scene and laughed at the coincidence of not only a random act of heroism, but one involving an oddly placed propane tank. I have to agree.

Glad to see it getting a write-up.
Also glad someone else got tired of the endless shower of garbage on the characters' lives. When you have people take phone calls about other people's deaths during a funeral, you've overplayed the hand.

No Chorallaries?
Count me out.

Episode: Yoko
Song: Issues (Think About It)
Moment: "It's like that movie, Interracial Hole Stretchers 2. She was white, and they were black. But it didn't matter, because they were in love."

you just hit G8.

I'm not any funnier…the show BLOWS!
Macdonald's monologue about the discrepancy between being fired and being asked to host SNL is the funniest thing I've ever seen on that show, and I consider myself an SNL apologist.

No Baywatch Nights?
C'mon, the second season had vampires! It was David Hasselhoff v. vampires!

I want to go to there
I need to start using that in conversation. And I really don't care if people catch the reference. My inner chuckle will be plenty.