Joe K.

Not the album, but the fact that these guys are being pegged as a cover band. I've seen them live a few times, and they are extremely talented and have some really great original material.

Great episode
The only part of the mousetrap that I felt was a bit too contrived was Stahl magically "being pulled off the case." Though it did lead to some fantastic scenes for Hale. That guy's gone from a cardboard-cutout Johnny Law to one of the most interesting characters on the show.

There's some strong resentment floating through here
A man with an ego the size of Africa has done more to help people in need than you or I ever will. Let's all be petty and petulant to make ourselves feel better.

I always say
If you want peace, prepare for way.

The singles
I wonder if he'll start with a wacky humorous single followed by an angry oneā€¦.

Cycles of the moon?
That's werewolves, right? He's thinking of werewolves, not women.

Good, but we need more Tommy Flanagan
Beware the zombie bikers!

The computer-bashing scene
Am I right in guessing he expressed his frustration with the hard drive by bashing in the monitor?

The time is gone, the song is over. I thought I'd something more to say

Manic Pixie Savior Girls
I humbly request that the AV writers coin a neologism for these films where the females are little more than MacGuffins that drive the plot and potentially save humanity.

Doing a big thing badly
Something tells me Sorkin still has the 'gravitas' switch stuck in the on position. We already had to suffer through a show that made SNL feel like the Cuban Missile Crisis, now he's going to tell us that poking people online is God's sacred gift to us all.

Nothing short of pointless
Not the movie. The phrase "nothing short of."

Phil Ochs
"Here's To The State of Mississippi" is maybe the best protest song ever. I even like Eddie Vedder's updated version.

Beakman's World?
Please. Beakman isn't fit to lick Bill Nye's boots.

Wait, The Promotion was released?
I saw the trailer online and was looking forward to ogling Jenna Fischer.

That's Bubs!
That guy needs some serious respect. Or at least better roles.

It's a good thing this will be freon the internet.

He transcended the line between comic and commentator better than anyone. He was truly trenchant and always funny.

I don't like jazz
But I loved E.S.T.

Hasn't this happened before, and will happen again?
Didn't some songs already leak, and then were announced to be unfinished?