
This doesn't seem like the type of show to have Jules say no.

I call my TV a moving picture screen.

I looked at the coach cursing so much as a tribute to the great Bruce Boudreau from last season: http://bit.ly/szzGrH

Really good episode. Burt in his 70s-rocker-style hair/mustache was definitely one of the highlights of the season.

Jean-Ralphio's hair. Amazing.

Same reason why we will never see a TV theme song as long as the one on Cheers.

Was there a sitcom as good as Parks and Recreation on at the same time as AD?

As far as I can remember, the only references to it have been, "Hey, this movie is boring and pretentious!"


You lasted longer than I did.

Nope, I watched that part twice and didn't get it.

I'm coming to this from a different perspective than any of the reviewers; I saw the shows occasionally in syndication on weekends when I was a kid, but only until we got cable when I was 9. I barely remember anything beyond the theme song and the old pictures.

I forgot how much makeup the wife wore.

They just signed Rod Barajas. As a Dodgers fan, I can tell you that isn't very smart.

What about Sisqo?

Troy and Abed are working their way back from the beginning of the show until present.

Britta thinking it was edible instead of Oedipal?

This episode needed more Weird Al.

And a recent guest-starring appearance on Raising Hope.

Its in Bob Costas' contract that they cannot air any new programming while the World Series is on.