
22 minutes in, they are very honest. I believe they only edited out expletives, because I haven't heard any of those.

He said on Never Not Funny a few weeks back they are finished with the episodes, Comedy Central hasn't given them an air date yet. I believe there are only three episodes.

Ritch Shydner was really good on Never Not Funny. Told a couple of the same stories as on WTF, but then had some other GREAT stories that he didn't tell on WTF.

The music from the opening scene of Up, just in case you wanted to get sad when coming back from a three-day weekend.


"I can't leave the chicken there while I take the fox, because the chicken will eat the corn!"

The thing that makes Marc Maron bearable at all is that he is 100 percent aware of who he is and how annoying he can be.

I'm going back and listening to some early Comedy Bang Bang episodes (back in the Comedy Death Ray Indie 101.3 days) and Brendon Small was on episode 32 with Aziz Ansari and Hal Rudnick (as Stan Lee). Small does Fat Albert and Louis Armstrong. It's excellent.

Goddamnit, Community. After a season that was so up and down (the wedding episode was brutal to me) you have the most perfect finale. Goddamnit.

I DON'T LIKE IT. But I do. i'm confused.

Oh, he did it. I (well, we since Dread Cthulhu originated it) just wonder if it was the exact same words on the threat.


Might be the first time in Podmass history that none of the podcasts I listen to were featured.

Oh, and I lasted about 10 minutes into Fear Her before skipping to the next episode.

OK, I know that no one will read this at this point, ten months after the review was posted.

2016, he will reportedly be hosting a syndicated talk show on Tribune Media stations. He also hosts that syndicated game show Celebrity Name Game which I've never heard anyone ever talk about.

His eulogy to his dad was amazing also.

That… that is actually his butt.

This deserves more love.

I want to say Gina.