Funky Bus Fare

He was pretty good in Extract. I wish that entire movie could've been him and Ben Affleck smoking pot together though.

0% chance it will be good, followed by a positive review. Glad to see they're staying on message.

Another good one to go with that would be Au Revoir, Les Enfants. I like that the priest in there is willing to stand up to his congregation for their complacency, hide young Jewish boys from the Nazis, and actually try to talk one of his students out of being a priest.

Agreed. And these two episodes seem to be a lesson in contrasts on how to do meta. In here the "meta" lines seemed more natural and came and went so quickly as to not overstay their welcome. Last week's entire plot was essentially "Ha, fans, Ain't they wacky?"

Album's pretty fucking sweet. I'm a convert to their stuff through this album.

I rewatched the Social Network recently, and I still think it's the best movie of that year. Now that there's been a decent period of time passed, it can be appreciated for a Shakespearean tragicomedy rather than "that Facebook movie."

The ones I remember most were Ran and, for some reason, when my middle school class came back from a trip to the east coast to see the sights from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, Dodgeball. My best friend's class also got to see The Untouchables in middle school while my class got to watch some Holocaust movie with


I have a conservative professor who says about Iran-Contra, "If Reagan knew about it, he broke the law. If he didn't know about it, he broke the law."

I really hope the Coens do Old Fink sometime. For my money, the original is still their best, John Turturro could finally get the Oscar he deserved for the original, and their concept (an aged and disgraced Barton teaches at Berkeley in the 1960s) could be a lot of fun.

The sad thing? He raises some good points in the article but drowns them out by punching himself in the face with the phrase "race hustler" and implying that Northrup signed himself up for slavery.

Slothrop in Gravity's Rainbow, anyone?

No, it ends with alien space rocks.

"Stop! He's already dead…"
When I watched this recently, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe after that line.

Chris- I think your irony meter is a little messed up. May I suggest reading some old Nabin reviews to recalibrate?

A.A. Dowd's unprovoked attack on and total misreading of Django Unchained is his worst misstep since his horrendous insult against the Descendants in his review of Th Way, Way Back.

I literally looked at this review just to see how long till someone said this.

I just watched this movie last night.

I'm more surprised they didn't mention his small but fantastic role in Goodfellas.

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