
I hear he's running for mayor of the Uncanny Valley.

What the fuck is wrong with his face?

"Having a bunch of non-white back up dancers in "stock" tribal clothing while the white pop star wears a headdress for example"

Sometimes the breast mams for the jugs tits a woman

There are ways of taking ideas from other cultures that are respectful. And then there's treating black identity like it's a Halloween costume, which is what Swift does.

Uggghhhh. Everything about Swift and her music is complete balls, but the thing where she co-opts black slang, and dress, and dance while making the whitest music since Billy Joel? That's the absolute worst.

That doesn't sound unpopular. Eminem's music has been garbage for years, and it was patchy as hell even when he was good.

Man fuck this poptimist bullshit.

His sound is so distinctive, and it's a totally perfect match for the band's mutant 60s kitsch aesthetic. The guy was a genius.

"Here he seems to be pulling as much from Fennesz and Vespertine as Stankonia and DJ Shadow."

It's nuts that there's only one guest verse on the whole record, and it's THAT verse.

Neither has any other rapper.

It's not an accident. When you have thousands or trucks on the road, and you have your drivers working an unsafe schedule, crashes are going to happen. It's entirely predictable. Management are making a choice that road deaths are acceptable if it keeps their costs down. The fuckers should be in jail.

"Dick bigger than a tower, I ain't talking about Eiffel"

Most of those sites aren't trying to be the Onion - they're just generating outrageous fake news stories to harvest clicks from dumb people. And calling it 'satire' for legal arse-covering purposes.

Seinfeld would be a lot of the reason for the Friends hate. Friends seemed like an attempt at repeating the Seinfeld formula, but without the nihilism that made that show great and so different to everything else on TV. Compared with Seinfeld at least, Friends is mawkish and not very funny. So, yeah, watch it.

Thanks for the info!

Oh yeah. I remember how amazing it was when they started showing new Simpsons again. How long was the break? I can't tell now if it was unusually long, or if that was just the point in my childhood where I started perceiving time correctly.

The thing about 'political correctness' is that it started out as a joke. 70s leftists mostly used the term sarcastically to criticise their own tendency to excessive orthodoxy.

Sonically it's not that far from Weeknd territory. But lyrically at least there's more going on than "Iiiiiiiii'm aaa sllleeeeaazzzyy … diiiccckkk … on druuuuggs."