
I read a Star Wars novel by Christie Golden once where she kept accidentally getting the ship names confused from line to line. Not chapter to chapter, line to line. It was confusing and sad.

The money I'd pay for a Banshee Queen movie…
(it's a lot)

The Arthas story is like a better version of the Star Wars prequels.

My friends and I are currently alternating between Total War: Warhammer, Crusader Kings II, and, of all things, the Left 4 Dead games. At the moment of posting, I'm getting demolished by Chaos in my solo Vampire Counts campaign in Warhammer.

Bojack Horseman is this, but all the time. And I love it.

Jesus Christ yes I do.

Come on, man… why are you making me do this? -long, drawn out sigh- it's… it's Nien Nunb. There. I corrected the Star Wars typo. Is this my life?

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!


Honestly, I can see him doing the goofy parts, and the 'getting punched' parts, but Indy's got a lot of menace to him as well, in a classic 40's hero sort of way, and I just can't see Pratt nailing that. Or the professor element, for that matter. I'd love to be wrong, though. Wait, now that I'm thinking about it… how

Given the direction of the article and other comments, this feels a bit out of left field, but what the heck: Knights of the Old Republic II is such a weird game when you really think about it, but everything that it is feels tailor-made for me personally. I've been a Star Wars fan since age three, but I'm also very


Well, you're not alone! I was, I must admit, a tad confused by the comments suggesting that an individual who enjoys RHCP is not an individual worth knowing…

Am I alone on this site in thinking that Stadium Arcadium is a really, really good album?

I'm getting sickle this pun thread.

That's why they're called nature's president

You never told me you were part old.

Something something Military-Industrial Complex.

David Mitchell in the final Mitchell and Webb sketch. Heartbreaking.