The guy narrating this is a Poor Man's Werner Herzog, but then again, Werner Herzog has ruined (almost) every other narrator.
The guy narrating this is a Poor Man's Werner Herzog, but then again, Werner Herzog has ruined (almost) every other narrator.
Translated conversation that HAD to happen:
And really, really confusing considering he doesn't believe in The Holocaust.
Robert Quarles had a particularly bad case of his arm getting cut off by a meat cleaver.
With that delivery, it has set the bar for Line of the Year. Neal McDonough was great and will be missed.
Oh man. This is going to end with a sudden cut to black and "Don't Stop Believin'" isn't it?
@ThatWesternSkyline:disqus So, Batman?
Yeah, especially since she's standing next to Lily Kane's murderer.
Someone had to call an ambulance for me because I died when he came after the Changlorious Basterds.
It's Canadian.
Joffrey getting slapped never does get old.
Seriously. "Is" is not the preferred grammar usage. "Are," please.
This episode deserves at least a B+ for Gillian Jacobs's Michael Jackson impression alone.
So, like, fifteen years ago?
Yeah, this looks like a fan trailer for a fan BSG movie. So…um yeah…
So, what you're trying to say is, "GIVE ME A GODDAMN AMEN!"?
Katy Perry: self-aware of Internet train wrecks OR delusional in thinking she could pull this off? Discuss.
I see what you did there.