
Actually the worst grade imaginable is a B minus…MINUS!

This is the same guy who asked Sara "How do you know the Arrow?" and did not ask a followup when she deliberately and obviously avoided the question.

Thank god DJ Ass Creed finally has a point, even if the reveal was obvious about 30 seconds before it happened.

I know, but I just want the FYC written for the impotent male comic book nerd anger it would produce.

So are love triangles. But that's also a comic book trope. For Your Consideration: Are Comics And Telenovelas Basically The Same Thing?


Uh, the guy that escaped the hotel without a trace was a Serbian war criminal, so Sin Rostro is obviously Magda. The Rosa thing is a misdirect. #TeamMagdaForSinRostro

Probably, but Don does it to "avoid committing himself" (according to the dictionary definition that I just looked up to see if I'm right or not) in the process of making the comparison so. I'm not necessarily wrong.

That is the definition of "revenge porn" yes.

Don equivocates a website that lets rape victims vent their frustrations and feelings of trauma with a website that hosts revenge porn.

Yeah (I watched it, which was the first Newsroom I've seen since the "Fix You" episode: male privilege means I can watch this and laugh at how horrifyingly dumb this is instead of feel painfully condescended and patronized), and you could kind of feel that Thomas Sadoski was not feeling the story line at all.

Is your old boss a Studio Exec?

I kind of can't wait to hate-read his jilted-ex-boyfriend-who-started-Gamergate-like manifesto on why he was fired from Star Trek 3.

Gotta love that Chekhov's Urn.

I'm not sure if I'm Team Petra, it's more like Team Petra Could've/Should've Been A Whole Lot Worse, Considering Her Circumstances, So Points For That, But Also She Can Be On Occasion Kind Of A Dirtbag So

It's a joke about Rogelio's Twitter, but there is a Rogelio Twitter account (not 6.3 million followers, but still): https://twitter.com/Rogelio…

A surprisingly well thought answer after the condescension of two your previous three posts, hence why I threw "troll." Anyway, it isn't inaccurate to say "the episode is about Roy" because (and the show wants you to think, through very little subtlety) the A plot's emotional goal involves Oliver figuring what to do

What's the A Plot and B Plot then, troll?

Villain of the week is an analogue for Roy = A plot
Roy wondering if he actually killed Sara = B plot