Why doesn't this have more likes?
Why doesn't this have more likes?
Why doesn't this have more likes?
what did tara whisper after jax left the room?
yeah i thought there would be way more big shocker twists like the last 3 or 4 episodes of a sons season usually has.
yeah no way they'll be fooled by it. Clay poorly trying to cover up shit he's clearly going to have to pay for.
they said someone named Armondo was in there but I cant remember who that is. Pretty sure he's in the cartel. And yeah I think the other guy was from Tacoma.
way to go indeed, Phil.
lol both of these ideas make a lot of sense to me.
Wait, what about Uncer's threat being a fake? I thought he was in on Clay's hit on Tara.
that's what I think. the explanation makes sense, but there are way more guys doing some killing on the show than the number of guys with that patch
From what I understand, "patching in" is the act of going from prospect to member. I think the "Men of Mayhem" is just some special inner circle (kind of like Clay and Piney's "First 9" pactches) within SAMCRO that Juice was welcomed into.
You have perfectly described how I feel about The Walking Dead in one paragraph. Thank you.
I wonder if Andy will suffer any sort of verbal berating from the WWE brass for the fact that he sold that Stunner for all of about 10 seconds before rolling out of the ring.