Wherever did you get the notion that she might be mentally ill?
Wherever did you get the notion that she might be mentally ill?
I agree with this 100%, except the main reason I keep watching aside from being a completist is that I keep hoping if everyone else comes back maybe the Minotaur will too.
I will never understand why she cut off her hand and let her keep her hamburger. I almost feel like taking the burger away would have been worse punishment.
Riot anyone?
I love how Zoe was just like "you have to because you can!"
Yeah, I was like these two need a show together like, yesterday
See now I'm thinking maybe resurrection used to be a voodoo witch only thing, but then Misty somehow developed it and it just wasn't one of the 7 powers. And now there are 8 powers to be supreme and that's why Jessica Lange can suddenly resurrect people now too.
I just want to know how anyone could see that man's O-face and coinciding animalistic head shakes and not get the fuck out. Especially after meeting him on the Internet on a Thomas Kincade fan page? I dunno if this is sexist of not, but I don't think there is a single sane straight man out there that is a Thomas…
If the Manotaur really is gone, I don't wanna live in this world anymore.
I'm not gonna lie, when the thing with the rats came out I was like, one of those stupid kids must have done it. Then when Rick was killing the poor little piglets I thought to myself, I wish he was using the stupid kid that was already feeding the zombies for this.
Really though? Fucking Glee did a Fleetwood Mac episode. How did Ryan Murphy allow the show to imply that there are teenage girls out there not watching Glee?
Was I the only one that realized the episode was coming up to the end and there was still no musical montage? I thought the file I was watching was about to cut off before it was over. To me, this was the greatest plot twist of the episode.
The Minotaur was always my favourite too. Anyone got a spare pancreas I can use?
After the episode ended I was like, if anyone could screw up their own suicide, it would be Eddie. Still kinda keeping my fingers crossed.
I just want to say when he got to the second guy and the lid didn't come off I was immediately like "ohhhhhhh, it's a twist off!"
I was watching this with my husband who isn't too keen on the reality tv, and he kept saying, "so whoever wins is a Master Chef now?" And I told him whoever wins, wins the show it doesn't mean anything important. And then Gordon or Joe said that the winner would be accredited the title of Master Chef and he was like,…
I was also really high and also teared up a bit. We should hang out.
As a Venture bros fan, all these Monarch references are cracking me up and I'm really hoping for a crossover.
I've been calling him the Dread Pirate Vampire
Yeah, I don't really see how it was a big shock I thought they'd been pretty clearly building up to the revelation throughout the season, to the point where I was like, seriously Noah, just admit you love her.