
Fante died for his sins. One limb at a time. He was an awesome fucking dude, and a great, great writer.

The natural progression is:

The title of the article clearly has a typo:
Look at that picture…this article was OBVIOUSLY meant to be titled "Do not rap about Lindsay Lohan or she will Suck you".

2 points for the Skeletor reference Billy. Well played, sir.

"Bravo says it will attempt to salvage the upcoming episodes by re-editing them."
But why? This seems like the start of a promising new trend.

He's been here for years.

I just dropped off a nice hot Eggers at the pool. Wiped it all up. It stank.

It's a kids book. It's about fucked-up little kids. I like that. Few things are as entertaining as drunken 9 year olds.

Henry Miller's better for jerking off to. Hank is better as fight-prep. So if I'm in the mood to beat off and then go slugging; A bit of Sexus followed by some Tales of Ordinary Madness gets me straight. Don't try and compare the two though. That would be like comparing masturbation to fist-fighting, which would just

How European!

You know who I miss?
Ratt. Everyone else can just suck it and see. Like White Lion. Oh, and L.A. Guns. I saw them in the 7-11 fighting over who got to eat the box of nachos for dinner after they played a hair-rock revival show in Denver. Apparently they made 0.99 cents that night. Sad. Really sad…

Kanye? Jay-Z?
What kind of names are those anyway? Slavic?

I'm not a very nice person…
…but I feel kinda bad for this poor stupid girl. This is very confusing for me.

Is that you, Rich Hil?