Yeah, I was thinking Dany doesn't have a whole lot to do. But the end of her storyline in book 2 is pretty damn awesome.
Yeah, I was thinking Dany doesn't have a whole lot to do. But the end of her storyline in book 2 is pretty damn awesome.
I didn't have a problem with the 4th book, but it was definitely more of a transitional book than the others. Also, it didn't have Tyrion, Jon, or Daenerys. It didn't really bother me, because I didn't read it until the 5th book was already out, but I bet that pissed off a lot of people.
Wow, Davos is someone's favorite character?
Somehow I didn't catch the gelding. I was too busy being horrified by all the stuff that was explicitly described, I guess. I'll have to go back and reread for it when the next book comes out 15 years from now.
I'm reserving my judgement of Stannis for after we've seen more of him. He certainly seemed appropriately grim, though.
I dunno, I felt like we hardly saw Jaimie in book 2. I kind of expected them to throw in a few extra scenes to "remind" us he's still hanging around and will be important.
Hmmm, 5.5 is good… tough number to decide on. It's the first of the season so I'm expecting more (s)exposition and a little less violence. I'm going to say "over" anyway, though. Probably depends on how much riverlands battling is shown.
Sadly, I think Star Trek just does not come across nearly as well in film as it does in TV.
The action was pretty good. Almost all the actors did a great job doing these classic characters without just doing hammy imitations (outside of Chekhov). I think that makes it all the more damning that the characters came out largely very wrong and unfaithful to even some of the most basic tenets of their original…
And it's still better than about half the other Trek movies
Yeah, some amateur internet video would really hurt ticket sales of Abrams's next Trek movie…
Damn! Star Trek really needed an episode featuring a "self-proclaimed messiah." You never really got to see them deal with a problem like that in any of the series or movies before.
I think it's terribly ironic to complain about the use of the word "mumblecore" in a rambling that includes the word "egodouche" twice.
fuck quarter notes. Forte is way better than quarter notes.
I believe the phrase you're looking for is "former friend"
If you didn't save him from the floating island you can go fuck yourself