
Other things you could do if you'd read the rest of the review: know what the hell your talking about. Of course, just the first two lines: "Oh, honest to Fucking God.
Comparing THIS to the later seasons of Buffy?"
is immediately enough to show that you ran across the comparison, got in a huff and made a big post about

There is indeed a Rifftrax for Generations. Unfortunately, I've never seen it, but now I want to. I just have to get my hands on a Generations DVD.

No, the best was his reaction to the extra that she didn't notice because of Brooks's oversized uniform.

@Water Balloon: Well, there was the Riker Maneuver…

Does he have anything in Nemesis? I can't remember? Not that Nemesis really needed anything like that to make it worse…

Even Sesame Street had a (particularly famous) episode dealing with death. Though that might just say something about how great Jim Henson was.

gore != scare

Rosemary's Baby was pretty interesting and creepy, but all in all I was indeed a little disappointed considering the long-standing hype. The ending was kind of a let-down.

It was mentioned in the article, but there's just no way this can be any worse than the movies, so I doubt it can really "sully" The Flinstones any more than has already been done.

Although I had no problem with them making Uhura a more important character.

I know there are pretty polarized opinions about the Abrams reboot, but I honestly think it was better than ANY of the TNG movies. There are a lot of Trek-related things I think it got wrong, but it was honestly a very fun movie, and the casting was pretty excellent as well. I'm just hoping that we can chalk up the

Stewart had/has plenty of humor, it's just that Picard didn't. Also, DS9 brings the best uniforms into Star Trek - the first time they don't look kind of campy, and rather look like something an actual military could wear.

I know there will be no convincing not to do Generations, but it should be known that there is a very important artifact that Picard obtains in a season 6 or 7 episode that he keeps fawning over. This item gets tossed aside like yesterday's garbage in Generations.

There's also the crazy nut who no one will believe who's invited to Area 51 in Futurama's "Roswell That Ends Well," who keeps taking blurry photographs that look nothing like the subject.

Plenty of people (including me) definitely disagree with Mark about DS9, but he does bring up the good point that not all the people interested in the TNG recaps are going to be interested in DS9, so I'd say it's yet another reason to do them separately.

I used BOBW, which was followed by one friend borrowing all my DVDs and watching them through, so I think it worked. I thought about "The Inner Light," and while I like it better than BOBW I didn't think it was an appropriate introduction as it's so off-format and really only introduces you to a single character on

Oh yeah, "Thine Own Self" was quite good. I feel like Season 7 gets a bad rap. It certainly has a few stinkers worse than anything since seasons 1 and 2, but still has a few great episodes and plenty of good ones.

Well, not all of them died out BEFORE the Europeans arrived…

Yeah, Superman 4 used to be my favorite Superman movie. And I really liked Datalore when I was younger too.

@alurin: it probably won't change your mind about what's better, but season 6 of DS9 is the best of the series and probably in the entirety of Star Trek in my opinion. I would definitely think it would strongly color someone's impression of the show.