

When are they bringing back Steve Carell? Not only was he funnier than anyone on there today (and I do think several of their correspondents ARE funny), plus he was funnier than he has been in anything for the past couple years.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the trailer and saw it truly was about a football player. Thank GOD there is not an Achebe adaptation starring 50 Cent.

The Game is definitely bad, and probably the worst of the 5th season. But it's not the worst episode of the series. There are a few season 1 episodes in which Wesley manages to be waaay more annoying than this one.

Also, I understand that some comments can cross the line, but it really shouldn't be taboo to criticize a writer. He really is taking a long time, and it's a legitimate concern whether he will actually finish the series given his recent pace and his age.

@santos I love WoT, but if you're burnt out after book 3, you're really going to start hating it (though I thought book 4 was an improvement over 3, they get worse/more boring from there).

But I definitely have to agree with GreenspanDan and alurin. The Federation can't go running around saving every oppressed group. It's just not feasible, and trying to do so can cause all sorts of unintended consequences.

I don't think the PD applies ONLY to pre-warp societies - it just applies differently. As in, no contact is made whatsoever with pre-warp societies. On the other hand, the PD is explicitly cited during the Klingon Civil war - they might come to the aid of an ally they have a treaty with, but they're not going to

Voyager is just so dull. It took a great premise and completely ignored it for most of the episodes of the show. And when it did adress the need to get home, usually it was just like "hey, maybe this thing will get us home!" 1 hour passes "Oh, I guess it won't. Oh well!" I love Picardo, and I thought Mulgrew did a

@Fat Lee Adama I give you a pass because you actually backed yourself up using cogent arguments, but it just rubs me the wrong way when people pull out "I have a such-and-such degree" in debates.

I've still never seen Spock's Brain, and I'd really like to. It sounds campy and bad in a way that might be enjoyable to watch, as Bad Horse alluded to. Threshold, on the other hand, I watched with that expectation but was sorely disappointed because it was just plain bad.

However, I was definitely put off by Riker's dressing down. Of all the times for Starfleet to act like a real military, this seems like a strange one. It especially seems to conflict with their values of cultural relevance, given the extreme importance of the earpieces to the Bajorans. I'm wondering if there are more

As far as Riker standing toe to toe with Ro
There are some pretty interesting moments dealing with that in future episodes.

I keep wanting to watch these and never get the chance
I'm going to be really excited when they come to Netflix so I can watch them Wednesday night.

I love "Rascals." There are so many chances for it to be cheesy and overwrought (and maybe it is, honestly), but it just works so well for me.

I agree Leto II (and praise to him and his Golden Path). Sure, Enterprise wasn't very good for the first couple seasons, but honestly TNG was probably WORSE during its first two seasons. If it hadn't come along at the right time to still stick around for 4 more seasons, we'd probably be saying the same things about

Not nearly as inconvenient, but I got the disc of the BSG miniseries because they had the whole series on instant watch except for that, which was marked "DVD Only." I sent the disc back in, got on instant watch to continue with the series, and saw that the miniseries was now on instant watch.

Yeah, but Twin Peaks and Star Trek don't have musical acts in every episode with their own separate licensing issues.

Yeah, I've amassed 8 seasons of Star Trek (TNG, DS9, TOS) over the years when I felt the ability to blow that much on that kind of thing, and also a couple times when I found some pretty good deals for seasons ($40 a season in one instance)

Dude, "Lady Gaga" is the name of the song, the band is called "Poker face"