
I have to axe, does he go for 30th century grammar in the Futurama reviews?

I'm just surprised you were able to enjoy anything about Neelix in an episode of Voyager.

Spock doesn't want to be human, though. He's just more understanding of humans than a lot of Vulcans are.

Agree with all these. It's great that the writers learned they can be a little more subtle about these things.

Most of the reasons it makes no sense stem from Reason #1 - "Devolution" is a bunch of horseshit

Cattivo is absolutely right. It SEEMS like the Ferengi work better on DS9, but really it just has a few good Ferengi characters - Quark, Rom, and Liquidator Brunt (Jeffrey Combs FTW)

I actually loved most of the gags in this episode. My problem was just the cop-out ending

Robo-evolution is powered by the demon from Paranormal Activity

I guess it was Farnsworth's mom who came from Fry's family line?

Still pretty good
Not as great as the last couple, but still better than the premiers I think (or at least the second one). Not the greatest as a complete episode, but as you mentioned, the third act is lacking.

Coming into its own
There are more than a few of these episodes still in season 3, which have a good idea but are a little clumsy at times. But I think the biggest sign that the show is getting better is that even these episodes are still pretty entertaining.

No Mr. Clean in the 24th Century! What's the need for name brand products in future communist utopia? (I'm looking at you, JJ Abrams)

I'm with unregistered nickname here. Yes, the Times Arrow episodes technically "pay off" that story, in that Picard helps her out. But I (and others I presume) wouldn't consider it the best payoff. There's of course a lot of unanswered questions about Picard's and Guinan's past (when they established an actual

I believe I remember talk in one of my DVD special features about a pretty big writer overhaul between seasons 2 and 3. As in, a bunch of the writers went away, and they got new ones. And it seems like they had a lot more 1 and done writers (or few and done maybe). Not that they didn't have some rotation in writing in

As to the PD itself - we have had plenty of episodes that show times when it's necessary to forego the directive in extreme circumstances. I think it's nice to have an episode like this, which shows how important it is to have the Prime Directive, despite the obstacles that arise because of it.

Unfortunately, Haiti is already riddled with problems attributable to our PREVIOUS interference with their culture. Since it's already been going on, I think it's pretty important to do our best to help out when things like that occur.

Oh yeah, serial monogamy's a big one too. That bit where God gets mad at Onan keeps getting interpreted as a passage against masturbation but he was actually pissed at Onan for not marrying his dead husband's wife like he was supposed to.

The big lesson I got from Primer is "don't ever time travel"

It's been a while since I watched the episode, so maybe I'm putting my own spin on it, but my interpretation is that what he is saying is that religion is fine and all, but it's not good for it to be so powerful that it takes over people's lives and completely drives cultural change.

and I will say that ROTS is the best of the prequels, but that's really not saying much. The script was somewhat improved (but yes, that ending was god-awful), but most of the acting was still sub-par, especially from the main character. And they seemed so preoccupied with tying in to the original trilogy (death star,