Ghosts of Princes in Towers

I actually went to McDonald's today and got a happy meal specifically trying to get one of those cursing minions for my own and I got stuck behind an enormous woman missing a lot of teeth (I could see it in her mirrors) in a pick up truck screaming at the employee that she asked for a CHEESEBURGER.

No, but I once set in an order form for some cereal toy (You had to collect 2 UPCs - I think for those wall crawler things you throw against the wall and they flip flop down) like a year or so after the promotion had ended.

I remember getting a little disillusioned when I found out that a lot of people wrote the books. For some reason, I don't think I realized the author had died - I thought they had just taken the series away from her. I remember being mad about it.

Maybe, but she specifically did not want anything old. I really just think she wanted Veronica Mars in book form and all the spunky heroines and cute boys that that entails.

Hey hey, I forgot about those. But I am sure they did not exist back then so it was not a failure on my part.

I kept hearing about this story yesterday and it just referred to her "licking donuts" and I had no idea what the big fucking deal was because no one was including the information that she was licking donuts that were going to be purchased and consumed by other people.

I used to collect baseball cards even though I never really liked baseball. I'd buy boosters at the gas station and then trade them with my friends and try to assemble the full set.

I agree, but did you watch the video?

I remember hating Benny and I think that had a lot to do with it.

I worked in a bookstore not long ago and a ~12-14 year old girl came in looking for mystery young adult books that weren't lame (I forget how she phrased it but that was the gist) and the only thing I could come up with were these crusty old books like Boxcar Children and Nancy Drew. There are a few other newer ones

At what point does a song count as "streamed"? Because I often forget who Imagine Dragons are and queue them up on Spotify because their name sounds interesting and evocative to me and I keep thinking they're Flying Lotus or something.

I actually think he has an interesting idea about people being armed with pop culture references if we ever encounter something like a zombie or alien invasion. I would like to read a well executed book like that. Based on Ready Player One, I'm sure Armada will not be that book.

That one was a head scratcher for sure. But I also think James Galdofini and Anna Paquin look enough alike to be related, so maybe we all have our visual quirks.

I almost never read The Dissolve (I just never cottoned to the layout or the "serious" feel, i guess), but i happened to stop by there yesterday and was stunned.

I think that's the problem. I feel like the new writers are just aping O'Neal and aren't as good at it and it just leads to confusion and annoyance.

I don't really mind that businesses waited for proof before taking action. I was pretty surprised that Subway acted so swiftly with Jared and that TLC is acting not so swiftly with the Duggars.

I think they missed Adam Scott and Anna Kendrick too, but I'm not going to scroll up to check.

I got sucked into clicking a clickbait article about lookalike celebrities yesterday. And the penultimate slide was just a picture of Rambo with no other celebrity and the caption "Exact same face!"

I think they could be on REM and Costello's level.

Yeah, I remember his video "Jizz in my Pants" making fun of how weird and creepy guys can be and cast him in the central role.