Ghosts of Princes in Towers

I remember Jimmy intuitively finding the warp zone, like the video game prodigy that he was, and I remember thinking that was bullshit as a kid.

TWOP had thoughtful commentary? I used to enjoy reading the recaps - usually the more terrible the show, the better - but I never came across any that were profound.

This is absurd. It was an argument you made in a debate with me - that giving people time to process sharing a bathroom with someone born of the opposite gender or giving people time to adjust their pronouns was paving the way for assault and murder. This is an argument you made and are now refusing to own.

Oh get off it, you definitely conflated the two by bringing it up.

I think I'm going to pick up Her Story on steam tonight. I had heard positives about the game already, but you were the one that sold it.

I'm having trouble with Sunless Sea. It's actually kind of similar to the trouble I had with Fallen London in that the gameplay mechanics prohibit me from really getting to enjoy the world they've built.

Can't we be concerned about both? Can't we be more concerned about the oppressed transgender individuals while still, even if it's to a much lesser degree, be concerned about those getting publicly shamed for being a bit behind the liberal curve?

I never said I was ok with trans people being killed, assaulted, or discriminated against . Talk about your straw man. Holy shit.

The expectation is that they will, but may need more time and hand holding than the rest of us to process the societal shift.

Are you criticizing some one for thinking he's better than everyone else because he stopped watching a tv show because he was tired of the host and audience for acting like they're so much better than everyone else?

No kidding. I agree with everything Oliver said while simultaneously cringing at the idea of people responding to his video with whatever cute Internet sayings are in vogue right now (is it still "This. So Much This." and "…. won the internet today"?)

I'll try to suspend judgment until I'm further into the game, but my initial reaction to this is that it just explains his dullness, it doesn't fix it.

Yeah, I'd be friends with them. I'd be friends with Stalin if he had a human totem pole.

I used to do that, but I felt weirder and weirder about it the older I got (I didn't playing these machines probably in my mid 20s when "good" machines seemed to become more and more impossible to find).

Am I the only one having trouble getting into the Witcher? I've only played about 6 hours and just finished the griffin quest (I spent time exploring) and I'm about to leave White Orchard and so far I'm not seeing the fuss.

I actually loved that I couldn't design my own character. No hour spent on the character creation screen, only to wind up disappointed and kind of grossed out anyway.

I'm kind of bummed by the selection. Not that I would be able to afford anything anyway, but I would have liked to see some of the more elaborate props like the human totem pole. Who wants to spend a fortune on "Casual Wear"?

I was once with a friend when he won a Nintendo DS Lite (back when they were brand new) from one of those high class scam / game-of-chance machines you see in movie theaters now in place of claw machines.

I never found it that difficult, but sometimes you need to do a test run to be sure.

If i win, just send me the gift card please.