Ghosts of Princes in Towers

I didn't mean to put down all genre fiction. I like Philip K Dick, David Mitchell, Margaret Atwood, etc. And even if something isn't high literature, I think it can still be worthwhile for other reasons. I don't know that, say, China Mieville is necessarily a great writer, but I don't walk away from his books feeling

I was wondering if anyone else was going to comment on how the marbles seemed to take on different personalities, like that lazy blue ball that just gave up at the end.

Chiming in to second the Scar. I didn't like Un Lun Dun either (too cute), but I loved PSS and The Scar. Between those two, I'm not sure which one I prefer, but the Scar is probably the objectively better book.

I hated it. I listened to the audiobook as opposed to reading it, so some of my hatred came from the performance (so many readers seem to think all women speak in a petulant whine), but I'm pretty sure I would have hated it in text too. All the accounting and all the too-easily overcome challenges made it an

God, no kidding. This article was one of the most grating I've ever read on this site and I read that Leonard Pierce one where he made Joss Whedon look like an asshole.

I know this was a joke, but it could have been said seriously by me.

I haven't seen a lot of his stuff, but his pick was indeed terrible. I even went looking for it on the internet to see if he told it wrong.

I think I could see it being a cycle though…you play male artists more often, giving them more exposure and potentially bigger hits, so you argue that you should keep playing those male artists and keep sidelining the women.

Where do you work where you're regularly having discussions about Clowes?

I think the Bachelor/ette is the best background tv show I have ever come across. Trashy enough to be interesting, but not so interesting that you need to sit down and watch anything. And all the people are interchangeable so you don't even really need to ever look at the TV.

I've always kind of liked improv. Maybe I've always just been lucky and exposed to better than average stuff.

I once saw, in an apartment courtyard, a group of ~20 or so cats gathered around all looking up and facing a folding chair. On top of the chair sat a big fat giant cat looking out at all of them.

When I got my garbage cat, he was kitten and I babysat him and his kitten brothers and sisters for a couple of weeks. He refused to use the same litterbox and would go wherever.

My garbage cat for years refused to drink water unless it was from a faucet. I even bought expensive bubbling bowls, but he wouldn't go near them. I tried a couple of different brands and probably spent $100 all together but not a single one was good enough. I ended up relenting and just leaving a faucet on a slow

My own garbage cat is getting old, so he throws up when he eats too much dry food because his stomach lining can't handle it. Back when he ate dry food almost exclusively, he would always whine for wet food. Now that he's eating wet food almost exclusively, he whines for dry food AND lets his expensive wet food rot in

Personally, I'd be kind of pissed if I was following coverage of something and the site suddenly dropped it for what I thought were asinine reasons.

But the fact that they've stopped covering it either indicates that Game of Thrones did something very, very wrong or that they don't have a single writer on their staff that can stomach watching it any longer.

But the Mary Sue isn't a personal blog. It would make sense to me if someone with, say, a livejournal announced they just couldn't stomach it anymore.

I miss the anonymity of the internet, back when it was gross and anarchic. There are still hives where the feeling lives on like 4chan, but now the general expectation is for everyone to have access to your real identity. It's disappointing that one of the internet's biggest strengths (imo) has been kneecapped by the

That GJI writers get paid by the article, probably?