"Babadook promised a great horror film and delivered."
"Babadook promised a great horror film and delivered."
I'm seasons behind on Vampire Diaries, but this is welcome news anyway. Jeremy was a whiny little shit.
That's why I upvoted it.
I watched the video on youtube to remind myself what the video was like, and there's all these comments about how "THIS IS REAL MUSIC, not like the Justin Bieber shit we have today."
I don't think it's the language barrier. I think he's somewhere on the autistic spectrum.
I'm not a doctor or anything, but I think he's probably autistic.
You know that scene in Christmas Story where Ralphie gets his mouth washed out with soap and then fantasizes about going blind from soap poisoning and making his parents feel terrible?
This is similar:
I couldn't stand her either, so I had some schadenfreude that she apparently alienated everyone during her ~50 years in show business.
The only, barely interesting thing to me about the celebrity fundraising is to see who had friends and who didn't. I thought it was weird, for instance, that Joan Rivers couldn't raise a lot of money.
I think my record is 4, though seeing 3-4 movies in an afternoon was something I would do very regularly. I remember realizing that I should probably stop when a guy bragged about seeing 3 movies in a single day to me and I realized what was a once-in-a-lifetime afternoon for him was a Tuesday for me - and not in a…
God, Gremlins 2 is fucking brilliant.
It's a problem for me at the Drafthouse. I feel like I'm cutting into my server's wages by taking up a seat and then not ordering anything, especially if it's for a show that's sold out.
Where do you guys live? Here, even the R-rated movies have people bringing in their 6 year olds and babies at the multiplexes.
On the fundraising tasks, yes. That's all it is. If I remember correctly, there was once a task where they were supposed to operate a restaurant to sell burgers or something, and a project manager never even bothered to open the restaurant and they still won - all because that project manager had richer friends than…
Unfortunately, that's a huge (and very dull) part of the celebrity apprentice and she surely knew that going in. Most of the tasks are fundraising, and ever since Piers Morgan pulled this shit on his season, the celebrities are expected to call up their coworkers, former coworkers, family members, and acquaintances…
I'm going to go through my plethora of Steam games and actually try to finish some of them. I need to stop getting hung up on stupid things like achievements, which inevitably turn into a chore after awhile, and just finish the damn game.
I thought there was a chance that Ed Herrmann would have been specified by name while a minor actor and character like whoever it was that played Chris would be relegated to "Dad from Gilmore Girls".
When I read the headline "Father from Gilmore Girls Dies" on another website, I was kind of hoping that they meant the guy who played Rory's father and not Herrmann, even though I knew the latter was so much more likely.