Ghosts of Princes in Towers

This intrigues me, but I'm a bit burnt out on survival style games. Have you played The Forest? How does this compare?


For me, I started playing Walking Dead Season 2 soon after finishing season 1. So I still felt like I was playing as Lee, and most of my emotional resonance came from seeing the little girl I saved turning into a jaded, hardened grown up and still struggling to survive.

I had to put Transistor aside too. I was breezing along and "getting" it, until suddenly I hit a fight that I couldn't beat and had to acknowledge that maybe I wasn't getting it after all.

When it first came out, there was a lot of talk about how, surprisingly, the KK game was vastly superior to the typical freemium game. And there were similar "You can't be serious!" reactions then too.

Potential spoilers:

Eh, it's not that Lovecraftian and it's not that detective-y. It's also not really that good.

He's 33 too.

There are people who actually defend North Korea in this? That aren't North Koreans themselves?

I thought it was going to be about Team America vs The Interview, so I was disappointed.

I guess I don't remember the thread well enough and there are too many Bill Cosby articles for me to sort through to find it. I do remember you seeming to take glee in kicking the hornet's nest though and I'm surprised to hear you were upset by the shitstorm it kicked up.

I'm interested. The minecraft world is a pretty mysterious place for me. Maybe because I typically just opt to dig holes.

I was going to go for the adrenaline rush and stay for the movie.

Fair enough. I'm not sure what I think of the theaters' decision to pull it. I think another poster put it best by saying he understood it, but didn't think it was right.

I think it's a little different when it's one person being targeted and that person making the choice to abstain.

It seems like it sets kind of an insane precedent though…that someone or some group can censor a silly movie just because they make some (very likely) idle threats.

I only want to see the movie to see what all the fuss is about.

Hacked emails are still a far cry from coordinated violence though. I've had to change my password or close bank accounts a number of times in the past 5-10 years due to security breaches, but I've yet to experience a "terrorist attack", presumably because it's much tougher to pull off.

I hope the Drafthouse still plays it. Maybe they can do one of those special events and we can all swing sparklers and sing "America, Fuck Yeah".

I had an almost opposite experience once. I had to write a paper on a novel and one of our options was to pick a chapter and do an in-depth analysis. So I picked the first chapter, as it was the only one I had read, and wrote my paper.