I've been hating Nolan since Memento, so I'm fucking loving this turn of events.
I've been hating Nolan since Memento, so I'm fucking loving this turn of events.
Year Walk is available through Steam. I actually played through it for the first time the other night…it's clearly better suited for touch devices than my desktop and the subject matter hit a little too close to home at times that I couldn't really let myself enjoy it.
I'd have gone with Funeral Tango too. The "The old women are there / too old to give a damn / They brought along the kids / who don't know who I am" lyric cracks me up every time.
I always wondered how its target demographic felt about it, since it's so objectively terrible. How do people feel when 99% of television doesn't cater to them and the few things that do objectively suck?
That last dance sequence kills me. It's such a perfect movie up until that thing butts in and bores up the place.
Shit. I'm legitimately shocked by this. I used to hate watch 7th Heaven in syndication a lot and read the Television without Pity recaps afterwards, but my hatred of the show never extended to this guy, who seemed above the material. He seemed genuinely paternal, composed, and mature, like some D-list Gregory Peck.
I think this is the greatest thing I've ever read.
I kind of saw the monster as a twisted antihero. Not sure what that says about me.
I like community. I stayed away from the episode threads because there was a touch of insanity amongst the posters that literally made me uncomfortable.
I don't really care. I'm tired of the blast of sniveling every time a cult show is cancelled.
Fuck off, fanboy.
God, you weren't kidding. Holy shit these comments are bizarre.
I like that they have reporters willing to ask hard-hitting questions like "…was there any point, when he was talking, that you wanted to, like, blow his head off?"
No kidding. I wish he had gotten as many accolades and as much attention as McConaughey.
What are you talking about? I liked Community, but it could grate on my nerves for the reasons Knife mentioned. I just wish it could have occasionally put away its constant edgy self awareness.
I'm only a bit into it, but it's pretty interesting so far.
Isn't this UX Design 101?
I am kind of tired of fanbases that refuse to let go. I mean, even if there was another season of Community, would it even be any good? Or would it just be there to satiate a small segment of a vocal fanbase?
Yeah, I'd honestly just rather watch a sincere show that occasionally lapses into sentimentality than something that's constantly winking at you because it's afraid of coming off as corny.
I like community too, but I was never as apeshit about it as the rest of this site. The idea that this guy gets called a genius (not infrequently) and proceeds to luxuriate in his own stench all because of some OK, I Guess sitcom is infuriating.