Ghosts of Princes in Towers

I've only seen the trailer, but I remember being really weirded out by that too. The trailer made it seem like she was once a huge fucking star and was now winding down in her career and just needed a final cash in. I mean why not just make the character fictional then? Why do something weird and self referential when

I thought she was just awful in Hugo. Like high school play bad. That Asa kid acted circles around her.

Maybe it's because Robin Williams' death is still fresh, but this headline made me think Macauley Culkin had died.

I still have a soft spot for Detroit Rock City.

Ugh. My first and worst AOL username (there were many) when I was around 11 was RumTumT007 because I liked both the musical Cats and James Bond movies.

Pornography for me.

"They used to drive a stake of wood through [the suicide's] heart in the grave. As if it wasn't broken already."

Huh, I didn't know that. A Mind Forever Voyaging is one of my favorite games.

Yeah, I always compared his stand up to a monkey flinging poo. If you fling enough, eventually something's going to stick.

I don't watch the show and only know of it from the horrible Time Warner commercial, but I just wanted to say that the guy on the right looks like a handsome-ified Jason Segel.

That particular comment was pretty positive, I thought. I intended it to be, anyway.

I once compiled a list of all the annoying things people regularly said on the TWOP forums.

I watched it again and I have to say, I totally disagree. To me, he looks awkward, sloppy, slow, and loose when he should be sharp. He was not as bad as Casey and Brooklyn in their hip hop routine or as bad as Serge was in his hip hop routine…that's about as positive as I can get on it.

I remember really hating Evan later on. If I remember correctly, I think he just way out-lasted his skill level and I got tired of seeing him botch routine after routine and still get to continue on while better dancers went home.

I'm actually really starting to like Casey. He's been stellar in most of his routines (except that hip hop), but his excellent work has mostly been overlooked because the judges are too busy giving Ricky a tongue bath.

Ricky was one of my early favorites, but the way the judges treat him pisses me right the fuck off. He was super mediocre in that hip hop routine last week, but the judges proclaimed that he MURDERED it (he did no such thing). This week his routine was pretty lousy and while he danced it well, it did not look

I think Rudy is charming in the sense that he seems like some bro-type that you knew in high school that probably played some sort of team-based sport. Basically not the sort of guy you imagine pirouetting around the stage, so when he does it, it's kind of shocking in a good way, like watching Kermit ride a bicycle.

I actually don't really care for pizza (I know….), but the dripping, foldable slices the turtles ate always looked so fucking good.

I too was born in 1981 and I too found All That to be horrendous and perplexing. I also thought Sandler's Opera Man was just the funniest thing ever, although Dana Carvey was my favorite.

I just started reading the Stand. I'm a slow reader, so I'm probably set for a while. I'm just hoping to be done in time for David Mitchell's new book, even though I haven't gotten around to reading that Thousand Autumns one yet.