Ghosts of Princes in Towers

What are you? His mom?

It does, in fact, make him clueless. He couldn't see how his plan was actually detrimental to at least one of his newfound allies, meaning it probably wasn't going to work. And both he and Tasha trusted someone who has already broken their trust, which was frankly pretty stupid of both of them. Convincing Tony that

And Brandon Hantz, of all people, angrily pointed out how cruel it was to vote her off first a second time.

I actually didn't like Malcolm in his first season. I dislike golden boys with no flaws as much as I dislike smug little brats with no redeeming qualities.

That's part of what makes me resent him: that other people like him. It's like he gets a pass on his crappy personality because he's a young male and the chosen audience surrogate. Meanwhile Kass gets death threats and skewered every week for being smug.

I like Kass better than Spencer. I like Tony better than Spencer. I like Woo better than Spencer.I like Trish better than Spencer. I sure as hell liked Tasha more than Spencer.

That's really weird to me. Players like Kass often get just as much if not more vitriol, but you're freaked out over a couple of people hating Spencer? Why?

Tony has turned on multiple allies and succeeded at getting them out. Woo turned on his hero and ally and was set to turn on his closest ally tonight. Spencer would do whatever it takes to move ahead another spot, he's just been completely impotent the entire game.

To me it just sounds like she's an awful ally for Spencer, who really should have known better anyway.

I've been in school full time and working full time for the past 4 months, so I haven't participated much in survivor discussions this season. I have 12 episodes of HATE corked up.

I really want Francesca to come back too. God, that kills me that she was voted off first both times.

It's mostly just bizarre to me how many people like the little cretin.

Then it sounds like the most entertaining scenario to me then.

Yeah, shame on Kass for continually fucking up Spencer's game. She should totally do whatever he wants her to do.

I see him basically as the same smug, insufferable, smarter-than-everyone Kass, only with added brattiness and misogyny.

I enjoyed Colton as a TV villain and I sympathized with Brandon Hantz (at least in his second season - I thought he was a creepy weirdo in his first season) because I could see a game like this bringing out some anger issues in me, especially if I had to bunk with Phillip.

I don't understand why Kass convinced Woo to vote Tasha though. Why not just switch her own vote? Maybe she could have solidified Tony's trust a bit more by shifting his rage to Woo?

I'm sure he's got the basic addition and subtraction down, but god help those kids when they get to fractions.

I would rather some one who can do math teaching kids math, but that's just me.

I think my preferences go Trish = Tony >> Woo > Kass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spencer.