Ghosts of Princes in Towers

I'm not losing any sleep over a millionaire asshole being suspended from a shitty tv show either, but I've been feeling an increasing and constant need to censor myself, especially on social media, as I get older for fear of losing my job or becoming otherwise unemployable, so this story left a nasty taste in my

I did, and it does sound like he has a hair trigger. But I also read it after I had heard (unconfirmed on my end) that the writer has been something of a shit-stirrer in the past and that he was able to wrangle Robertson away from the A&E representatives to go on a private ATV ride, so that may have colored my view of

You're right. It was late and I was not paying close enough attention to my words. I should have said "religious, social, and political beliefs" instead of just framing them all as political beliefs.

I've never seen the show. I assume I wouldn't like it, but apparently a lot of other people did. I'm not sure what metrics you're using to decide what should and should not be on tv, aside from your own personal tastes.

It's probably a tough thing to unlearn when you've been indoctrinated with it for nearly 70 years.

I don't think it's similar at all to the free speech issue. I'm in no way saying his rights were violated and I'm in no way saying A&E should not have been allowed to fire him. I'm simply saying I'm not comfortable with some one being fired for expressing an unpopular opinion during an interview, especially if their

"Frankly, what A&E seems to be saying here is that the rights of human beings is nothing compared to cash that can be made from bigoted rednecks."

I try to think of people's beliefs as being so deeply connected to their environment, religion, childhood, life experiences, etc, that they're really not 100% by choice.

I would be more inclined to sympathize with A&E's hurt feelings and brand damage if I thought his religious/political/racial beliefs were a surprise to A&E and not something they were willing to overlook until they accidentally let him get away from his handlers.

I had a lot of liberal friends on Facebook openly celebrating his suspension and incessantly parroting the "free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" statement, even when it wasn't applicable.

Am I the only one glad he was reinstated?

Can we agree as a society to stop using the word "chops" in the context of talent?

? Why?


Favorite Episode: Black Mirror….either White Bear or Be Right Back
Favorite Scene: Probably the Red Wedding, except I was watching it in a bar on streaming (the bar's HBO fucked up right before the show started, so we waited until it was on demand) and some one started messing with it and the video went off, but you

I will try it out, but I'm not reading the article first.

Was it early on? I totally missed it.

I expected Breaking Bad (well, up until number 2 was revealed), I was hoping for Les Revenants, instead I got this.

It may be easier you to laugh at because you're used to it, but in my experience, watching a family struggle to pay bills when I was struggling to pay my bills was more likely to evoke anxiety than laughter. People react differently.

I'm with you on being disappointed in this guy.