moist towelette


Shut up, Leonard. Not everything is about you.

Shut up, Leonard. Not everything is about you.

Very cool. Real laugh at "but also, he wasn't" … which surprised.

Very cool. Real laugh at "but also, he wasn't" … which surprised.

It's getting feisty out there.  Andy Bobrow:

It's getting feisty out there.  Andy Bobrow:

This is a Twitter conversation that is sentimental about pooping (some Community writers go to the nice bathroom in a separate building).

This is a Twitter conversation that is sentimental about pooping (some Community writers go to the nice bathroom in a separate building).

As has been noted here and elsewhere, based on the schedule this should be the Halloween episode. That's … exciting … I guess. (Hesitation because Ganz writes good dialogue-based stories, and the Halloween episodes are usually a little bigger.)

As has been noted here and elsewhere, based on the schedule this should be the Halloween episode. That's … exciting … I guess. (Hesitation because Ganz writes good dialogue-based stories, and the Halloween episodes are usually a little bigger.)

No Community re-run tonight because of something called U.S. Olympic Trials. Big week for judges.

No Community re-run tonight because of something called U.S. Olympic Trials. Big week for judges.

I would have enjoyed the hell out of that dialogue, but it wouldn't have fit well within the episode, season or series arcs for any of the characters.

I would have enjoyed the hell out of that dialogue, but it wouldn't have fit well within the episode, season or series arcs for any of the characters.

… But perhaps "average" entertainment (on a sliding quality scale)?

… But perhaps "average" entertainment (on a sliding quality scale)?

"Evil Abed" knows all of the buttons to push regarding Britta's past — in what begins as an inquiry on her parents and seems to end with the off-screen rundown of the events leading to her traumatic encounter with the man in the dinosaur costume. I like Abed's speech so much it was easy to overlook that the two pieces

"Evil Abed" knows all of the buttons to push regarding Britta's past — in what begins as an inquiry on her parents and seems to end with the off-screen rundown of the events leading to her traumatic encounter with the man in the dinosaur costume. I like Abed's speech so much it was easy to overlook that the two pieces

Watched the finale again tonight, so I'll just put this here …