
I thought maybe it was pogo issues.

I see Laura Balance didn't perform with The Chunk. What's the deal with that? Never heard of that happening before.

Can't I have just a little peril?

I can't believe no one has given up any love for the amazing Maira Kalman here. What is with you people?

I was hoping that Chickenfoot would be so busy that there would be no time in Chad's schedule for a RHCP album. Alas, it's been that kind of week.

Please Stop Promoting This Event!
You're going to get more people out there than you realize. Just because no one is RSVPing doesn't mean it won't be enough folks to pack the block in front of The Hideout.

The Old Farts
around here will probably agree with me: Innes is a genius. Thanks for the great interview.

Heller, your top 5 and mine are not in lock-step but my year and yours are the same. 1977 is ridiculously overqualified for this schtick.

This improved my faith in humanity. Thank you, AV.

Is Billy Ray the only person in America who has never seen an episode of "Behind the Music"?

This picture makes it look like he's using Madonna's arms for a neck.

Less TV, waaaay less internet; more live music, comedy, theater, museums.

Sometimes I'll listen to the first two albums, the Eno years, look at the year they were made & released and my jaw drops.

Andy Pants & Mephistopheles: go back to whatever it was you were doing before you came here, please.

Is it all right if I like The Jam for writing some near-perfect pop songs? I mean, that's okay with you guys, right?

Just when I start to give up on you a little bit, something like this comes along: rating The Jam's albums?!

If it was pretty awesome AND boring and stupid, it would be just like Lost. Amirite?

Oh, wow. Hey.
This should go along perfectly with the new Adult Swim ripped-off commercial branding they've taken to doing of late. I think those in the biz might call that "synergistically fortuitous".

Great Inventory, AV Club.

I never knew that so many people hated this movie. For me, it's a beautiful, elegaic tone poem that is completely hypnotic.