A Dude

The Jack and Jill trailer was far more rancid-looking.

Beyoncé is pretty.

In the case of Michael Vick, he did go to jail and did his time. Also, not watching or giving a shit about football maybe does effect on my judgement. That said, he's a fuck.

Even if the rest of the movie had sucked (it didn't), Dave Franco alone made it hilarious.

I saw it and liked it. That's basically it. The one thing I remember is that Naomi Watts' character had a bad leg wound.

That kid is so talented. Personally, I think he out acted Bradley Cooper and RyGos in Place Beyond the Pines. The other kid, Emory Cohen, was good, too.

Suck a polar bear's funky ass!
Suck a racehorse's cock with Heinz Tomato Ketchup!
Suck a donkey's shitty ass!
Suck a male camel's dick with Hoisen sauce!

Nimrod, IMO, is their weakest. Back when I was obsessed with them, I still didn't like Nimrod. Dookie > Insomnia >> Warning, 1039 > Kerplunk.

Not recently.

I found "I'm in it" to be the worst on the album. I normally have a pretty strong stomach (I listened to Odd Future up to about Goblin), but that song, to me, is just gross and puerile—and not in an interesting way, just hard to listen to. The rest of those songs were really good, though.

How about in bear years?

I did see it when I was a kid, it was on VHS. It didn't hold a special place in my heart or anything, it's just pretty good. Movies can be pretty good, sometimes, and not everyone's critical response is political.

Always go with the common consensus!

Some friends from my school are opening for them tonight! I mean, they suck, but it's cool that Reel Big Fish would give a bunch of 16-year-olds a gig like that.

It's rap.

Yeah, I should have caught it sooner. I took what he said at face value and believed he was just angry that he was juggling two girls.

Starr is such a good actor, Bill Haverchuck and Joel are really nuanced characters.
I never noticed until like the third time I saw Adventureland, but he was in love with Stewart's character.

I pictured Isaac Hayes. I like my version better.

That man can wear a sweater.

Squid and the Whale is a good one too. I think he's a good actor.