Zou Bisou Bisou

Oh boy, here goes.

There cannot be any realistic way for Adam and Kristina to be able to financially support this new endeavor unless they have trees in their back garden that grow dollar notes every Spring. I mean, they're still paying for Haddie's college (which they struggled with a few seasons ago, even so far as telling her she

The Virginia and Lillian relationship is so fantastic to watch. I've been saying for weeks how their developing bond has been one of the show's most fascinating stories, and that scene on the bus was the perfect example of it.

'How to cure PTSD in half an hour', written by Caroline Forbes, now esteemed expert in the field of psychotherapy.

I'm not sure I buy Huck's ease at which he starts ripping Quinn's teeth out. I know he's Olivia's protective rottweiler and all, but seriously, he seemed far too comfortable with torturing someone he knows and cares about.

Ah, I figured I'd missed something. It was probably because the last two episodes were fairly sleep-inducing to me.

Did I miss something in the last two episodes or did they not bother to explain just where they managed to get a freakin' tank from, and a loaded one at that?

Terry Crews is becoming the star of this show for me, and that's some achievement considering the strength of the cast.

I keep forgetting that Jeffrey Tambor isn't playing George Snr. playing a judge. It's terribly confusing.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate Lucy Liu's divine wardrobe in this show. Seriously, the things they give her to wear every week make her look even more flawless than she already is.

Well Lisa Kudrow deserved so much more than having her character (I assume) leave the show in such a terrible and anticlimactic way.

A few things:

I haven't watched 'Rose' in years, and this review really makes me want to watch it again.

Everybody appearing to forget Matt exists is what I like the call 'The Haddie Braverman Effect.'

I almost gave this episode an A purely for the FNL reference. Almost.

Holy crap I love this show. It's weird and it's insane but it's one of the most fun shows currently on the air. The story, the characters, their interactions, Crane trying to use the internet…it's all magical.

That interview scene with Margaret's obvious but repressed heartbreak, and the subsequent walk to the elevator and breakdown inside of it, was Janney simply firing on all cylinders. Really masterful acting.

I was so glad when they finally got rid of Ashley but it seems that all the frustration I had for her has now transferred to Charlotte. So, when can she be Revenge'd off the show? Sooner rather than later, preferably.

My heart broke when Diane broke down in the bathroom. Don't get me wrong, I understand the core reasoning behind Peter taking it away from her, because she did have Alicia escorted from LG by security. But taking away Diane's dream will only serve to make her even more angry at Alicia and Cary for doing what they did.

I thought they had killed Katherine at the end and I immediately told myself that I would stop watching if so, because she's easily my favorite thing about the show right now. Thankfully I was wrong and Queen Bitch lives on.