Morton Salt

You must really be eager for August 4th….
because that is when all of these films will be released on DVD.

I really liked Duma Key -in fact I suggested it to a friend as a good SK starter book- but I didn't get into Lisey's Story at all. It took me 6+ months to fight through it. The bizarre flowery cover of the hardback edition I read didn't help, either. It's a pain enough to have a big fat book to carry around to read

Haven't actually read all the previous comments, but…
Upon scanning these 300+ comments I haven't noticed any mention of one of my favorites, BAG OF BONES. Yes, it has many King cliches, but I liked it and was surprised that it doesn't seem to be worth mentioning by anyone, even as a target for criticism.

No. You're thinking of MY TWO DADS.

I was screwed up on that Baba Yaga's Hut for days because my cousin, who already beat the game insisted the phrase was "Shack of Black, please come back." Days of him swearing my computer was glitchy and finally the damn skull on the exterior fence tells me it's "Hut of Brown, please come down." Strange are

I played those games so long ago, my first copy of Quest for Glory I was called Hero's Quest. Some boardgame copyright dispute prompted the change.

You can't trust the Indian psychics, they're all Fakirs.

Clearing up 3D confusion
I can't argue with anyone reporting that 3D doesn't work for them or that it gives them headaches, etc. If that's the case, I don't doubt it, but what bugs me is the confusion that the Super Bowl ad has created in regard to the in theater 3D experience. First of all, although the commercials