AVC Stereotype

Wow! How original! Just like this unfunny TV show!

In short: if you're a male, don't kiss women, because you're a sexist pig. If you have sex with them, then you're a rapist.

Go figure, Lux Lisbon decides to avoid a valid question. If I saw someone who was actually assaulted, at the age of 13, I would've phoned the police.

Right, because a woman being attracted to a man who takes a chance and kisses her never happens.

"You know that Woody Allen was playing a character, right? In a movie. That he wrote.

Nah, us gays are all the same.

Already did. Goes down better than this shit.

Delete me. I triple dog dare you. Better, homo?


Man, what a bunch of over sensitive bitches. How does Aymanut going in for a kiss without asking imply that he's a "nice guy" who sexually assaults women? Who asks the people that they kiss if they're allowed to kiss them? You'll never kiss anyone that way. Hate to break it to you sensitive white guys, but people

How is music more subjective than movies? If it's understood that most people agree that certain movies are crimes against taste, then explain the success of Transformers 2: Rise of the Robots to me. Films divide people just as much as music does. In fact, I find myself enjoying mainstream films waaaaay more than

Okay, I'd rather watch Pirates of the Caribbean 48: The Treasure Chest of Doom than listen to Maroon 5's "Cross My Heart and I Hope to Die." I've never gone out of my way to listen to bad pop music. I have gone out of my way to watch bad movies. Not to mention, music is way harder to avoid than movies are. Wasn't so

I've pretty much explained this further down the comment section; I just can't think of music that I would listen to that is considered to be as awful as something like Troll 2 or The Room. There are people who go out of their way to watch bad movies for entertainment. I just can't see myself doing the same for music.

Fair enough, Thants. Maybe I picked a movie that is generally considered entertaining for my example. The thing is, I know of no songs that I find "over the top and entertaining terrible." I do know of several movies that fit that category. I doubt that I'm the only one either, this explains the existence of the

Well, if there are people out there who can listen to "The Dirt Road Song" ironically, then they're stronger than me.

Stalker? I posted on a Rupaul F@g Race episode once before. Made a lot of uptight commentators mad that time, too. To answer your question pizzadgaf, I'm gonna quote the Replacements: Here Comes a Regular. To answer your question Junior number 3, yes I did, basically and thanks for following my posts!

Well maybe I'm weird then, but I've never heard of anyone going out of their way to listen to bad music. I have heard of people watching bad movies intentionally though.

I know you're being sarcastic about not knowing what I'm talking about, but I'm suggesting that there are too many people who think that Tyler the Creator is the ultimate enemy of women because of some rap lyrics that aren't at all sincere.

I can see myself watching bad movies more so than listening to bad music. You'll never catch me listening to Nickelback for laughs, but I definitely will watch Cool As Ice for some comedy. Also, it is way easier to avoid movies than it is music. I don't walk down the street and get bombarded with images from Pirates

So you'd rather sit through a shitty song like, say, that cross my heart and I hope to die song by Maroon 5 than a shitty movie like The Room? I wouldn't. I don't care what the length is.