AVC Stereotype

That's arguable, but I'd still rather watch a shitty/disposable movie than listen to a shitty/disposable song. Give me Troll 2 over anything Nickelback has produced. Length of an art is of no concern to me.

If I'm not entertaining then don't reply to me, bitch.

Delete me. I dare you.

Woo hoo! Allentown, PA represent! Someone's gotta do it.

Interesting that you bring up "Call Me Maybe." This is a song that I find very forgettable and mediocre. Why it's so loved on this site is a mystery to me. It's basically the equivalent of a Michael Bay movie for me. It has the money to help boost its production, it is very mainstream, and it does whatever it can to

Haha remember! Tyler the Creator hits women and shit. I think he even rapes them when he's bored. Wait, he's one of the only people in the rap business that took a stance against Chris Brown for beating the shit out of Rhianna?! What?! I thought he was being totally serious when he rapped about hurting women and never

I can't wait to impress my friends by telling them that I like watching a bunch of f@gs parading around! They'll all respect me for being so cultured! Deleted in 5, 4, 3, 2,1… Fuck the AV Club for pretending they care about gay people like myself and censoring my opinions because I don't fit their stereotype of a gay

"- oh all these rappers are terrible
- oh actually it's that more of them commit violent offenses than artists in other genres
- oh hey come up with thousands of counterexamples to an example I never gave
- actually the point is that rap music contains more violent misogynistic content than other genres"

How's Nick Miller going to convincingly act like he's not a Castleton snob?

And are you seriously going to deny any misogyny in rap? Are you also going to deny the fact that it is mostly black men (such as myself) who rap? I really want answers from you.

Didn't think you would have anything to contribute other than quips that no one would call you out for, Spurt Vonnegut! Way to play it safe and sarcastically like the rest of this site! Maybe you'll formulate an opinion on things later in life!

elr, you still don't understand. I like Jay-Z, the Beastie Boys, and Kanye West. They have had misogyny in their songs! Whether or not they were convicted for physically abusing a woman is besides the point that Emperor Jim and I are trying to make. Their music is disrespectful towards women, yet it's good. Admit it,

You guys are too much. Rap obviously has misogynistic lyrics in it. No one can deny that and I don't care what examples you fire off, the majority of rappers use "misogyny" (by the AV Club's hyper-definition of the term) constantly. Emperor Jim isn't trying to be racist (black people make rock music, too, hypocrites).

If you're referring to Hot Lips, then she isn't portrayed as heroic. Why should she be, though? Should Robert Altman have made sure she looked better than her male counterparts to satisfy some hipsters in 2013? No one in this film is portrayed as heroic. Son of Griff mentions authoritarian characters being the

Emperor Jim, how dare you imply that the likes of the Ghetto Boys, Slick Rick, and the Beastie Boys have done anything but speak highly of women! You're a racist asshole. Death Cab for Cutie have way more offensive lyrics.

I've also never considered them to be seen in a positive light in the movie. Then again, I figured that was the point. To answer your question that asks why they rig the football game: it's so they can win. I don't know why you thought there was no reason for them to rig it.

Ahhh yes, no one was sexist during the Korean War, especially not anyone in the military. It's too bad the AV Club wasn't representing the military during that time period! We would be so feminist and appreciative of Korean culture while we were over there.

*The Big Bang Theory studio audience applauds and whistles as ElDan steps into his neighbor's house and delivers his unfunny one-liner*

"Whoa!" -Lawrence brother

The other group of 5 guys didn't laugh?