AVC Stereotype

"Why would women who feel the need to undercut each other in each
successive sentence even want to have lunch together? Men who hate each
other would snipe just as badly—flip the genders and change “tie” to
“skirt” and that joke would play the same for me."

I, too, would've liked to see that era continue. The 1970s would be my favorite decade of film making by far. You mention Ishtar, which is an example of excessive spending for a film, is a failure for many reasons in which Heaven's Gate succeeds (at times). Ishtar, to me, feels like a hollow attempt at a big budgeted

I, too, would've liked to see that era continue. The 1970s would be my favorite decade of film making by far. You mention Ishtar, which is an example of excessive spending for a film, is a failure for many reasons in which Heaven's Gate succeeds (at times). Ishtar, to me, feels like a hollow attempt at a big budgeted

Shit, Sam, that's your mission? To preserve your beloved website from one man? Get a life, dude. To answer your question, Nikolai, I am not a gimmick. Sam is just a poor white boy who has nothing better to do than flag my comments for posting comments that don't differ much from anyone else who comments here

Shit, Sam, that's your mission? To preserve your beloved website from one man? Get a life, dude. To answer your question, Nikolai, I am not a gimmick. Sam is just a poor white boy who has nothing better to do than flag my comments for posting comments that don't differ much from anyone else who comments here

Kid Rock fan alert! Kid Rock fan alert! Sorry the guy that you're defending was barely even relevant in the nu-metal scene.

Kid Rock fan alert! Kid Rock fan alert! Sorry the guy that you're defending was barely even relevant in the nu-metal scene.

Not bad points, Miller. But let us not leave Lucas and Spielberg off the hook too easily. Many auteurs of the era were responsible for the downfall of the 70's style of film making, but it didn't always necessarily result in negative outcomes. Scorsese had Raging Bull, Kubrick had The Shining, Friedkin had Cruising

Not bad points, Miller. But let us not leave Lucas and Spielberg off the hook too easily. Many auteurs of the era were responsible for the downfall of the 70's style of film making, but it didn't always necessarily result in negative outcomes. Scorsese had Raging Bull, Kubrick had The Shining, Friedkin had Cruising

Boooo! To Live and Die in L.A. is good and underrated, but Cruising is even better and more underrated! Not to mention, The French Connection is definitely his finest achievement!

Boooo! To Live and Die in L.A. is good and underrated, but Cruising is even better and more underrated! Not to mention, The French Connection is definitely his finest achievement!

" maybe you could follow my lead and include examples or quotes or
descriptions other than the fly-by diction of "influenced" and "ripped
him off," so we can pick up what you're laying down."

" maybe you could follow my lead and include examples or quotes or
descriptions other than the fly-by diction of "influenced" and "ripped
him off," so we can pick up what you're laying down."

Soooo… are you hot or what? You made it an issue that I might be flirting with you (and I am), so send me a pic of yourself naked. I'll just re-watch Cruising then for some hot bear action if you're not going to answer me. Also, too young for Don Rickles?! Surely you jest! Not a fan of the Toy Story movies?

Soooo… are you hot or what? You made it an issue that I might be flirting with you (and I am), so send me a pic of yourself naked. I'll just re-watch Cruising then for some hot bear action if you're not going to answer me. Also, too young for Don Rickles?! Surely you jest! Not a fan of the Toy Story movies?

Well I am gay. You a hot dude?

Well I am gay. You a hot dude?

Way to ignore most of my post, too. I hope that you re-edit your post to include Don Rickles or, at least, tell everyone that your novel of a post got you some pussy. If not, then no one is likely to give you input after they see that I've replied to your post. You and I both know that they'll complain about how I'm

Way to ignore most of my post, too. I hope that you re-edit your post to include Don Rickles or, at least, tell everyone that your novel of a post got you some pussy. If not, then no one is likely to give you input after they see that I've replied to your post. You and I both know that they'll complain about how I'm

Obviously not the one that's exclusively reserved for the elite that you're speaking on. Bitch.