Charley Gordon

Wasn't Cera supposed to be the college rapist on "Veronica Mars"? I heard they changed their mind because they couldn't picture him in that role.

I sometimes find myself praying that Harry Shearer will die or at least contract a disease that turns him mute.

No possessive pronouns use apostrophes: his, her, its, their, etc.

I'm awful
I have dreams sometimes about Dan Castellaneta or Harry Shearer dying and the show being canceled.

I can't speak to their theology, but I've lived in various towns in the Southeast most of my life—including one of about 9,000 people—and I've seen very few without an Episcopal church.

Am I the only one who hated this episode? Maybe it's just because I'm legally retarded, but I didn't laugh once.

Did Noam Chomsky already say this with more insight or something?