
"Although the seat was snug on him and the barbs prodded his ample flesh, Sam smiled quietly to himself. In spite of everyone's expectations, in spite of how utterly unlikely it was, he knew victory was now his. He had won…the Game of Thrones."

Tommy Lee Jones sighs heavily as he reads the news.
"This really is no country for old men…"

Not Mayberry DOA?

Yeah, the fact that we'll never get a Space Marine II is a real shame. The first game had solid single player, and the multiplayer was fun…ish. The client-side hosting, though, that was a HUGE mistake, and it's basically killed the online community.

Apparently, most of the code in Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed was what was supposed to appear in a Privateer Online game. As I recall, there were hints of really cool things like docking with other ships, potential for real smuggling, etc.

The VTM game?

Telltale games has basically resurrected the adventure genre for you.

To be perfectly honest, I'm glad it was canceled. Mostly because I just had zero faith that LucasArts could produce anything other than garbage at that point, and 1313 would've been a disappointment. 1313 is intriguing because at its most basic, the concept is interesting: playing around in the Star Wars underworld.

*inserts scream sound effect*

I don't know that the ending is necessarily only super dark/cynical or upbeat and happy. At the micro level, the individual characters all seem generally better off and having discovered their best version of themselves and what fulfills them personally. At the macro level, yeah, advertising can take images of

Paul had probably moved on to yet another social fad or trend by then.

Shed Don? No. I don't think he did. Instead, I took it as him accepting himself and accepting that "Don" is not some fictional character. Basically, I saw his enlightenment not as greater spiritual enlightenment, but more like finally reaching a place where he didn't hate himself so thoroughly and wasn't driven by

People have become conditioned to expect twist endings (usually which end badly) because of years of "mystery/mythology"-driven shows that end with some craptastic twist that everyone ends up hating anyway. I think folks come up with this and the whole "dead pool" approach to finales because they've been burned so

Yeah, but really, the owls are not what they seem…

Macklin, you sonofabitch, you've done it again!!


I've noticed two trends when it comes to unsatisfying endings.

This is about where I come out.

I interpret her behavior as basically gradually becoming more comfortable with asserting herself. Her behavior in the dinner scene and after encountering Reek was telling. If you think about her character in past seasons, she'd have bawled and crumpled at the sight of Reek, or been terrified and meek in front of

During that whole scene, I kept thinking to myself "Why hasn't Sansa told this uppity wench to refer to her as 'My lady'?"