
I read some theory somewhere that the Waif actually stabbed Jaqen wearing an Arya face as a call back to this very thing.

I don't know…I think Davos was on point with his assessment of the North. If i recall correctly, Robb made some comment to his generals that they had to press on to victory because once his army got home with winter on the way, they weren't going to be in the mood for fighting anymore. Well, the North has been

Is anybody else thinking that The Hound could be the "little brother" from Cersei's prophecy? I mean, if Cleganebowl happens…and Zombie Mountain is defeated, would it fall to The Hound to carry out the sentence?

Lots of fucking chickens.

Fucking boooooooo! This show was fun.

Ghost better last until the end.

That's twice in as many weeks this show has made me tear up. Hold the door.


Anybody else shipping Tormund and Brienne now?

I literally teared up when Jon and Sansa hugged it out.

I guess he just means book readers have had 5 years to talk themselves into resurrection.

Susan Delgado?

The serial killer plot line is asinine but I can't help think that it might be a red herring. Maybe Proctor or Burton killed Rebecca in a copycat of the serial slayings to throw people off their trail. Maybe we're just going down this pointless rabbit hole so we don't figure out who the real killer is too soon.

Come on y'all…the man in the iron mask is Jay Garrick. He's tapping out his name in code…he's trying to tell them who he is.

This episode sealed it…I much preferred Reagan to Jess. The showrunners should take a tip from the title and give us a "new girl" every season or two to interact with the other four principles.

Awesome. Vastly under appreciated show. Does that mean you are going to start recaps again AV Club?

Dude…Elektra was great. I can't even wrap my head around your statements sometimes.

Guys…it's so boring. Almost everything is unbearable. There is one cool scene of Batman being Batman and that is it.

Such a good show. It's a shame it isn't getting covered here. It's getting bananas guys!

I don't disagree, keeping them separate is the way to go since the tv shows are decent-to-great. But it is telling that Snyder's problem with Gustin is the "tone" his Flash would bring to his movieverse.