Zoran Taylor

Patton Oswalt "Not one for going OTT"?! Wha?? The William Alexander Screaming About His Ex-Wife On His Painting Show Guy? The guy who actually said the words "I ejaculated my central nervous system" onstage once? On your planet, maybe.

"None. I am adult person, not a Nick Hornby character."
This is the most irritating way you could possibly answer this question. In fact, the question itself is nothing so much as it is a challenge to NOT say this. If this is how you feel, the correct response is "I'm not going to answer that", not "OMG U GAIZ THAT'S

I just signed up to this site, only to find that the confirmation email was never sent to me or got lost. I tried to repeat the registration rocess with the same info, only to be told that "This user already exists." Yeah, genius, its me. Either your server has a bug in it or Yahoo! has somehow managed to become even

Does anyone else find Chelsea looks kinda like what would happen if a young Catherine O'Hara did nothing but cry, go without sleep and smoke in an unventilated room for two weeks straight?