
That was funny, Titus. Well played. haha

Reported from a quote by Us Magazine:
"I don't regret any of that time with Brad and I'm not here to beat myself up about it," she tells the March 17 issue of British magazine Hello!. "They were seven very intense years together, and it was beautiful and complicated." Adds Aniston, 40, "I will love Brad for the rest of

I agree she's not very intelligent, but she does know Brad continues to be her bread and butter long after he stopped buttering her bread.

Ooh, I get it now. I was trying to figure out the Billy Zane reference.

No, no, he wants her to go to college. Yes, I've read the books, what of it?!

Her best acting, by far, has been all the paparazzi shots for the past 5yrs where she smiles, but with a hint of sadness… she's used the hell out of the Brad leaving situation. Poor Jennifer Aniston, go support her by seeing her lousy movies!

Doesn't every director rely on the talent of his or her cinematographers, art department, etc. to a large degree? Lucas gets hated on for the new Star Wars, as did FFC for Godfather 3.

Thank you Primer, couldn't have said it better.

Yes and then he kicks her in the stomach, throwing her across the room.

I don't think the things that happened to them are that implausible. When you become a serious addict things can and do get nightmarishly bad. Yes, there are elements that aren't realistic, like any movie. But if you were an addict and you only got the point of pawning your shit and eating 99 cent burritos, then you

Burstyn absolutely got robbed, it still pisses me off that Julia won instead. Watch Julia in Brokovich and then Burstyn in Rquiem back to back, and tell me who deserved the Oscar more. Ha!

I went to rehab many years ago and there were several ladies there for Ephedra addiction ( the substance that used to be in many diet pills, it's the equivalent of speed.). I remember saying right after I saw this that they should replace the DARE program with this film, show it to 12yr olds, scare the ever living

He was the ONLY good thing about that Vin Diesel one, Find Me Guilty.

Pray for me, I just started this at Hulu…I'm scared.

…as I was saying… Mathew Mcblah is in it and he's a deal breaker for any film… I had no idea what this film was about until now. Knowing what I know I'm tempted to rent it because it seems like a pretty good horror film, I was watching the clips above and couldn't keep from covering my eyes, stiffling screams, and

I realize upon reading this article that I've seen the dvd cover of this film in Blockbuster on several occasions, and having never picked up because M