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    I'm pretty sure Japanese don't they don't actually eat the pizza. They just push it around their plates then put the empty box displayed prominently in their dumpster to show the neighbors they can afford it.

    I was hoping the "convenient miscarriage" would link to the internets most famous case, the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del which led to every single other webcomic parodying the profoundly misguided attempt at making a goofball mature.

    I can't believe they brought back the tag-team sushi challenge.  It's easily the worst concept form last year.

    Woah, how did you Trust not get a mention?  I can't think of a better Hal Hartley or Adrienne Shelly movie.

    It's amazing how crappy the album version is compared to the performance in Elf.

    Ha at Doyle dropping his "Tee-hee-hee" routine and instead deciding he'd rather focus on the business.

    Does anyone wonder about the divide there must be between AvClub writers concerning The Big Bang Theory?  I've got to assume it's one of the more disparaged shows they write about.  I'd love to hear more of those arguments for my amusement.

    How about more shots of Cerie's legs. More of that.

    I guess Crow from MST3K counts as a puppet.

    The American Kitchen Nightmares even more edited than an episode of The O'Rielly Factor.

    Ice Pirates. I need that movie to be explained in some sort of context.

    Those sunglasses
    Are those sunglasses from Rite-Aid? Because they are Jamaican me crazy! Literally!

    Is their any watersport more hot than interspecies-celebrity watersports?