
I'm black though…

For me, as a woman of color, who has been bombarded with media images of brown savages and slaves who've been liberated from white saviors. It's "problematic," as in presenting a problem ,and troubling for me.

The issue is that GRRM designed it that way. It's a fictional world, and he elected to design this world wherein the brown ones will eventually be freed by a white savior for consumption in a real world with real race issues. I think it's worth exploring further than just, that's just how it is.

The implications of race relations in society and representations on television is a boring way to view things? Fine. You get to be obtuse on your own.

Was no one else unsettled by the last scene with Dany? The relationship GOT has with brown people, including Dany's husband, is already a problematic one, but this was really uncomfortable for me last night. Why are all the slaves brown, eagerly embracing a white savior who clearly takes a weird pleasure in this?