Hero of Space-Time

WA WHY ARE THEY ALL WHITE MA- Oh right, Harrison Ford's white and male.

The A.V. Club

It'll be a pop-fly into the endzone!

I learned from the Creation Museum that the dinosaurs went extinct beacuse an asteroid turned them gay.

"I don't even know anyone who owns a Blurred Lines!"

Time to Unplug, Internet!



It's like pottery

The A.V. Club


I'm from San Antonio. We got.. Miss Congeniality and… that show about the badass motorcycle doctor. Yay?

"I enjoy her body… of work."

That Thing You Do!

Built to Spill - Big Dipper

Michael Jackson - Girlfriend

Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love

Nick Lowe - Cruel to Be Kind

Fountains of Wayne - Stacy's Mom

Al Green - Love and Happiness