Johnny B

But they do have the Rain EP, which last I knew was out of print.

Dead Milkmen: "Sri Lanka Sex Hotel"

He was right to think it was a cash grab. I was working in a small CD store when that came out. It had a $12.49 wholesale price, which I think was $1.50 more than most every other major label release at the time. So, not only did it not cost the label much to put it together, it cost more than every other CD of the

That's probably also true for anyone my age, who was too young to hear those early records when they came out, but heard lots of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, I Want to Break Free, We Are the Champions, etc. on the radio. I didn't hear the early (pre-Jazz) albums until the 1990s.

It's not: "I thought I left you in Sri Lanka / Working the desk at the Sex Hotel / For Christ's sake why isn't Bob Hope dead yet?"

They were $99 to stick it to the rental stores, which would buy multiple copies of anything even reasonably popular. Then, a few months later, when the rental market died down and the stores would start selling off the used copies for $10, the studios would re-release them for $20.

Yep. It's part of the opener of his first (only?) album. Basically for the first few minutes he alternates between yelling "AAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGG!!" and yelling out odd things like "I've never masturbated in my life!" and "Scott Baio is the Antichrist!"

Harry J. All-Stars
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Hawnay Troof
Jimi Hendrix
High on Fire
The Hives
The Horrors
How We Are
Hüsker Dü

Peter Gabriel
Garage a Trois
Geto Boys
David Gilmour
The Gonstermachers
Gogol Bordello
The Golden Palaminos
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Mike Gordon
Grateful Dead
Green Day
Green Jello
Guns n' Roses

I can imagine it would.

Nice. We actually didn't get the Skynyrd thing that much because we mostly played metal shows full of local bands. But every once in a while, we'd be on a weird bill like that one.

Where I grew up, they stopped making the marching band mandatory because people like me who didn't want any part of it would drop out of band entirely. A bunch of the schools stopped having marching bands because so few people wanted to do it.

I went to that a couple of weeks ago and it was a much more diverse crowd than I was expecting. (Yes, I was expecting it to mostly be old guys like me.)

And also inconsiderate, because if they don't play three off the new album, I don't have enough time to pee and get a beer.

I was in a band once that learned an obnoxious, one minute version of Free Bird for just those occasions. We played it once in a biker bar when someone yelled out for Skynyrd. I thought we were going to get our asses kicked.

I like the second one a lot, the first one less so, and the third one not very much. But it doesn't really sound like Fugazi. It sounds more like the Warmers.

When I saw Screaming Females downstairs at the Black Cat, he snuck out during the set and sat behind the monitor board, then slipped out before the encore.

In my case, I think it's in my wife's collection. So very deep.

Is this how we're rolling now? OK! CD only, so no Ex Hex/English Beat/Fall/something I'm forgetting.

I know. Gets rid of 'Another Green World' and multiple Faith No More CDs, but keeps the Fat Boys.