Generation Analog

It wasn't a pleasant read, but man, it was well done. I just finished it about an hour ago, and I think it was really remarkable. The best crime book I've read since Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets.

The lyrics are just so willfully stupid. It's the kind of song that makes people hate hippies.

The only problem I had was that Anomander Rake's death was by far the biggest emotional beat, and that was book eight, I think.

I seriously considered re-reading it immediately, but I think a breather is in order. I definitely think I'd get a lot out of it.

I just read Blood Meridian a year or two ago, and it took me a while to get into McCarthy's rhythm. Somewhere in the middle it all just starts to work, and by the end it's totally worth it.

I gave up during the middle boring books of Wheel of Time and don't see me ever going back to it. After reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen, I just don't see it working for me.

I know that The Secret Agent is considered a groundbreaking work, but I find that it compares very poorly to Lord Jim or Heart of Darkness.

Just (finally!) finished book 10 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, which was completely fantastic.

The author of Wikipedia agrees vehemently!

That's a strong anti-marriage message you're sending, Lt.

Anybody remember Eve 6? I've been trying not to.

I freaking love In the Cards. Between Kukalaka and Jake's time-travel speech (possibly my favorite piece of Cirroc Lofton's acting), it just kills me.

Not sure why I followed that link. You told me what it was, but did that deter me? No! What the hell was I thinking?

What!? I mentored Kenny Bania straight to the top. Why do they call it Ovaltine? It should be Roundtine!

My character arc is almost the exact opposite of Davos. I read the first three books and exulted in the power of reading. Then I read books four and five and wished that I had just been illiterate and imprisoned.

How happy I would be if that is actually happened. They never get beyond the wall, as it is the true hero of the series.

Truly a wondrous addition to a wondrous comment.

Don't forget naval vessels!

Might need a clone just to handle the footnote about James Incandenza's film oeuvre.

Gold Soundz is way more important!