Niles Silverberg

Jim Carrey in Holocaust Down

I wonder if that last scene of Pawnee from overhead was a callback to the ER finale.

My guess: Poehler, Ansari, Plaza, Pratt, O'Heir, Retta with Scott and Offerman.

The entire episode is brilliance, but the last line is the thing that takes it over the top.

I was reading an article recently that was about how Scandal is the closest network TV has come to replicating the soapy insanity of the original Melrose Place, which is a completely dead-on comparison in my opinion.  

I actually really liked the Mitch/Cam story part, especially how they managed to do a little role reversal with the two.  And the surprise Dylan appearance actually made things better.

Maybe they could replace Chevy with Maya Rudolph as Ava.  Kill two birds with one stone.

They could have a different actress replace Applegate every week.  I, for one, would love to see Viola Davis's take on Reagan.

I like how, for a recurring character, we find out more and more about Pepper with each appearance instead of having him hang on to past moments and exaggerating from there. It doesn't hurt that you have Nathan Lane playing him too.  Between this and The Good Wife, I wouldn't be surprised if he got double Guest Actor

Friday Night Lights: Tuesdays This Fall!

“Impossible? Would any of your female heroes say that? Would Amelia
Earhart or Dian Fossey or Joan of Arc…boy, women who try to do things
sure get killed a lot.”

To think of a terrific comedic final season, you'd have to go back to Cheers or even further to Barney Miller.

This episode might actually be one of the top 5 all time 30 Rock episodes, perhaps even top 3.  Everything about the episode was firing on all cylinders, right down to the brilliant ending (though I am happy it didn't end the entire series).  And I would totally pay serious money to watch the Iranian Homonym. 

Yeah, she's in the next two episodes.

Yeah, she's in the next two episodes.

Is it wrong that I did a fistbump when Judge Kuhn showed up at the beginning?  The military episodes have been a highlight of each season and this episode was no exception.  Amanda Peet was almost revelatory in this; she's always been a solid performer but in this she was fantastic.  Her role's apparently recurring so

Is it wrong that I did a fistbump when Judge Kuhn showed up at the beginning?  The military episodes have been a highlight of each season and this episode was no exception.  Amanda Peet was almost revelatory in this; she's always been a solid performer but in this she was fantastic.  Her role's apparently recurring so

Middling episode rescued completely by Jane Krakowski's flawless performance, especially in the debate scene. 

Middling episode rescued completely by Jane Krakowski's flawless performance, especially in the debate scene. 

The plotting of this episode reminded me of Idiots Are People Two!; if that comment is any indication, next week is when things are really gonna explode.