Eternal Eeyores

i did, i did say poor aryans. twice even. but i think you know what i mean…. it's ironic, as they deserve it. but it's literal in that i do not envy their fate — it will (likely) be nasty, brutish, and short (forgive me, hobbes fans). sure, the veal's good, but how's the chicken?

and then, contrary to EVERYONE'S expectations, the Spanish Inquisition arrives!

damn skippy. i think SC has nailed the essence of it, yerp

First, just after I posted the OP up there, I noticed a few folks brought it up. So there's that. B) I think the Grey Matter issue is just for parallel and is essentially a red herring. Those folks are safe — the company stock, not so much, but Gretchen n Co are kumbaya. Then again, it does offer an interesting option

you know how much i'd appreciate that??!! i'm a college english teacher — such a paper would be a treat to read, especially in comparison to what i actually have to read. work in some flannery o'conner and a david foster wallace reference, i'd be much pleased, oh yes

DPW — Thanks for the reminder that the Grey Matter dude's name is Eliot. It seems relevant to me — one, there are the poetic references, specifically Ozymandias. But Gilligan has several times said the series will end "with a bang not a whimper" — a line from a TS Eliot poem, the author of The Waste Land, a poem often

ya know, you're right. Todd really has been just the picture of calm decorum since the bug house days. if only i had a little sister who looked like lydia, i'd……..

In Jesse's confession video, he described Todd — dead-eyed Opie. kumbaya

delicious delicious american dreamcone. me, i like late night snack. choclate covered potato chips - yum.

Many have noted that Walt tends to adopt a trait of a person he's just killed — for example, putting the towel down to vomit, a la Gus. Mike drank his on the rocks, I think, and after Walt killed Mike, on at least one occasion he ordered a drink as Mike did — which i think was on the rocks. If I am remembering

One last thing and I'll STFU — anyone else notice Walt ordered his drink neat — like the old Walt did, right? Didn't he change to 'on teh rocks' after offing Mike (who had his on the rocks)?

I think there is exactly zero chance the ricin is for Walter. No freaking way is a man like WW/H going out painfully, drawn out over several days, wasting away — like his cancer on steroids. Paraphrasing both Eliot and Gilligan, a bang, not a whimper (ricin).

ah! thanks SC — seems i was typing my comment as yours was posted. A LOT happened in that Rose interview. should be a fun ride next week.

the blue meth! i've read hundreds of posts here, and have yet to see mention that, during the c rose interview, it was stated that the blue meth was back and there were apparent connections to europe. so walts KNOWS jesse is alive, and he knows lydia is still the conect for the aryans.