Breaking Badly

The other issue with his method is the whole "stereoisomer" thing. Basically his method would produce both left and right-handed versions of the chemical equally only one of which is "meth" the other is just common cold medicine. To their credit, I believe there was a throwaway line or two about it in the show which

The other issue with his method is the whole "stereoisomer" thing. Basically his method would produce both left and right-handed versions of the chemical equally only one of which is "meth" the other is just common cold medicine. To their credit, I believe there was a throwaway line or two about it in the show which

Even better, in the M. Night Shyamalan (or Richard Kelly take your pick) big screen remake, instead of becoming Santa, it's revealed that he always was SATAN.

Well this is just fucking distracting.

Uh, Beavis and Butt-head are the intellectual equivalent of fundamentalists? No shit, that's not a scary thought, just a simple statement of fact.

That's a perfect response, he's sorry for offending women's groups and *non* Bachmann supporters, because, damn straight, fuck Bachmann supporters. "I'm sorry for getting caught" is exact right response in this case. I'm all for civility and all that shit, but some people just fucking suck and need to be called out on

Well going to the Grand Canyon in the Matrix would be no different than going to the Grand Canyon in real life. I get the point about them physically making it above the clouds, but the actual sight of the sun wouldn't be a new experience for her.

The deal with seeing the sun for the first time doesn't really make any sense though does it? I mean she was born in and had live most of her life in the Matrix. You'd think only one of the people not born in the Matrix would actually experience any emotion from seeing the sun.

Her cell phone.

Yeah he should be sensitive to whole issue of anal rape considering what he went through in the Butterfly Effect.

Yeah it's a real big mystery. Here's my ill-informed internet post. A student (now a coach I think?) saw a boy being raped in the shower, *rather than reporting it to the police* like any decent person would do, he reported it to his father (also a coach I think) *who rather than reporting it to the police* told

A personal appeal from random avclub.com forum poster Breaking Badly: Please, David Lynch, just go back to making really weird movies (and I'm not talking film school masturbation like Inland Empire, lesbian masturbation is totally fine though)

Yeah I remember it worked that way in the comics. And led to another great plot point (and major character's fate) that I'm curious to see if they will work into the show.

NAMBLA. South Park did it!

Speaking of dropped plot points. What happened to black guy and son?

BTW, did I miss them ever resolving what the CDC guy whispered in Rick's ear? I just assumed he was telling him that his wife was pregnant. But that really doesn't seem to make any sense now.

I'm assuming that the show is going to incorporate a plot point from the comics involving the farm house. I'm just wondering when they're going to get around to it, they finally dropped a few subtle hints this episode.

You know, it just occurred to me the only reason I click on the link for this show is to see a screen cap of Kat Dennings breasts stuffed into that uniform.

I'm still waiting for the film adaption of The Girl with the *Dagon* tattoo.