
ok you bastards, i just went and bought the record. 

just stay away from the sgblt…

west coast ftw

I'll tell you what's coming…yer gonna die.  So start experiencing everything NOW.

alright!  a full fledged sabbath reunion.

i too would get behind that.

i just brought home over 1000 8 track tapes.  what does that make me?

wow, i have more shit than gary busey.  what a great friday!

when they stole helter skelter back from charlie manson.

i've mostly grown out of my pearl jam fandom, but i'll go down swinging defending "no code".  

taking time off for a family emergency?  i bet that dave mustaine changes his mind and endorses colbert.

doodie bubbles ftw

well, he was in the love guru

i hear it in the cowboy from real world season one's voice

i know you're kidding, but that's kind of a bullshit statement.  neil's shtick has always been to do exactly what he wants at any given time, regardless of being "trendy" or "cool".  a bunch of young 'uns (myself included) followed the trail back to neil from their favorite bands in the early 90s, and they are still

listen to the moondawg's tavern from this show for a great story about digger dave:


hmmm…maybe it was murder?  whitney killed by her grammy?

not only that, but neil had to follow sinead o conner after she got booed off the stage.