Big Daddy Justice

I go to public school. I can't worship anything.

It's a Shame
It's sad how a show whose original goal was to poke fun at situations like this has given in. I don't care if it causes a Muslim radical martyrdoms the shit out of Matt and Trey, I want entertainment.

You have to see the video to be rickrolled.

Avatar reminded me of a sci-fi Pocahontas. The visuals were cool, but the story was completely unoriginal.

Frisky Dingo Anyone?
I like the show and all, but it's pretty much Frisky Dingo, minus Zander Cruise.

Why does Claire have to ruin everything?

As soon as television took off and was found in almost every American household, it was a gold rush for advertisers.

Worst Music Ever
Did you guys see the naked girls on the album cover? How unorthodox!


Kesha, not Ke$ha, You Cavewoman
Kesha (I refuse to spell her name the way she claims it to be spelled), I believe, is Lady Gaga when she is out of costume. How can anyone find that over-done faux Brooklyn accent and atrocious singing entertaining?

I Hate Urbanization
These are just 17 reasons why the planet should be glassed.

I Lost Count
How many shows has VH1 produced that were mildly interesting to begin with?