
Are you bragging?

Sonic is a tortured soul. Why won't he stop beating Tails?

Sonic The Hendgehogs pain.

The cartoon had so much more build-up to the "beetlejuice, BeetleJuice, BEETLEJUICE!!!!"

No, this is not the same thing.

Is it bad that I don't hate this show, in-fact I hate how it's automatically trashed?

I'm in flavor country

I feel I need to address these "Nomads." I live in Minneapolis, and downtown where I work you'll see these 20-something trust-afarians running around, begging pedestrians with the actually homeless (and the scamming homeless alike).

Read: Lindsay Lohan

Cybernetic Organism:

So this is where I go to evangelize my teenage masturbatory aids.

I own this movie on DVD, and I enjoy watching it.

The underwater bomb thing is fucking nuts. That is the worst popular game of all time!

The first TMNT was a great moive, because it had the word "damn" in it.

The evil realm is far more progressive when it comes to effeminate men. Truly, He-Man was the true monster.

WTF is a stealth firstie?

The trailer of G.I. Joe looks a lot like MGS4.


Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers fried a filling burger from beef and bacon. [eats his Denny's burger and starts beatboxing] We-e-ll, I'm Rappin' A.B. and I'm here to say, if you want to eat burgers, well Denny's the only way! I said the only way! Break down! [crushes waitress against his head]

Will Smith has two sons?