
I don't know about the characters, but assuming that they are as tall as their actors, Reggie Lee is 5'8" and Hayley Atwell is 5'7". So Wu is probably taller. I can't find Reggie Lee's weight, because Hollywood, but unsurprisingly, I can find Atwell's. It's given as 125, which honestly is not that unusual for a 5'7"

Yeah. I think a similar dynamic is at work here.


Well, there is that…

testing lol

This is nonsense. In real life, there are women in armies, gangs, sports, and other violent situations. They get stabbed, shot, and beaten—brutally. And they often give as good as they get. I always though Joss Whedon was better than most about showing how fights actually work—no "would not hit a girl."

This really reminds me of another show: "Sleepy Hollow." Once a character becomes strong enough to materially affect the plot, they are summarily turned evil and killed, because creating plots that are challenging enough for their new powers is too difficult. Once Katrina was fully recovered from her time in

I am not a fan of Juliette. But here's my criterion for shipping: would you be fine with those people getting together in real life? Would it make sense? Otherwise you're just going into the bizarre realms of Neville/Nagini ships that presumably are more about wish fulfillment than anything else. I don't hate Adalind,

I loved the double baby storyline, because I thought it meant that the writers were willing to do innovative plots. That started this whole mess. Am I eating my words now….

What about the inventive episode titling, huh? "Cry Havoc." Yes, this was also the name of the first episode of the second season of "Salem." Writers aren't even trying anymore. Even "Loose the Hounds of War" would have been better.Only thing worse than this would have been if the episode had been called "Right to

No, the most logical end to the story (starting from Kelly's death, because otherwise we need to deal with massive character derailment), would actually have been as follows: Kelly is killed, as before. Juliette, Kenneth, and the King go FAR away from Portland before catching a helicopter, Kenneth does not return to

And the Nick/Adalind shippers make me sick. Adalind did rape Nick, from my perspective. She definitely raped Hank, as that was mind control. In any case, whatever the label you want to give, sex through deception and mind control is wrong with a capital W. She is manipulative, narcissistic, and unable to see past her

Wow. What an awful season finale. I just can't even….It seems like the whole episode, even the entire plot of the second half of the season, was manufactured just to provide a cheap source of drama. Juliette gets Hexenbiest powers. What, you thought this was providing her with the opportunity to become a fully-fledged